Next-Gen Sequencing of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus with Golden Helix

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About this webinar

Recorded On: Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Presented By: Darby Kammeraad, Golden Helix Field Application Scientist Manager

The COVID-19 outbreak is an unprecedented event in terms of its impact on public health and the global economy. While we may see the development of an immunization strategy as the ultimate solution, sequencing the virus with Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) provides useful diagnostic and research findings to impact the course of this pandemic. As a provider of NGS analysis solutions spanning clinical and research capabilities, Golden Helix has a number of analytical solutions relevant to these different use cases for the analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Join us for our upcoming webcast where we will discuss the following subjects:

  • Diagnosis and viral identification: Secondary solutions to diagnose COVID-19 and identify which virus genomes are present in total RNA samples
  • Sample cluster: Cohort analysis in SVS to use unsupervised learning PCA to find similarly typed strains based on public sequence data
  • Clinical analysis: High throughput per sample analysis including variant analysis and clinical reporting

Golden Helix prides itself on our ability to capture and utilize the most up-to-date data to streamline your analysis. We hope you will join us on May 6th for a live look at how Golden Helix's bioinformatics software can be used to explore the sample grouping and genetic composition of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

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