Authoring Clinical Reports in VarSeq

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About this webinar

Recorded On: Wednesday, September 23, 2015

As labs move genetic tests into production using VarSeq, we have been looking for ways to support more of their total workflow within the same integrated expertise used to annotate, filter and interpret variants.

With our upcoming release of VarSeq, we are introducing a powerful and flexible platform to author clinical reports, specialized to the needs of individual labs and tests.

This webcast shows the new VarSeq Reports add-on feature, as well as other components of the total clinical test workflow including:

  • Using VarSeq to lock down the exact bioinformatics steps to prepare variants for interpretation
  • Compute coverage statistics over targeted panel regions, with sample level summaries and visualization with the built-in GenomeBrowse visualization
  • Customize our ACMG compliant clinical reports for lab and test specific parameters
  • Go through an interpretation process, previewing and updating a report in real-time
  • Produce rendered reports in HTML and PDF formats
  • Use VarSeq Reports to export structured interpretation of variants, genes and sample's test results into customized formats for third party and LIMS/EMR integration

We have been excited to work with clinical labs that are running VarSeq to develop this add-on, and hope you enjoy the showcase of it for the first time in public.

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