Report Samples with Unique Genotypes
Author: Autumn Laughbaum, GHI
This tool scans a genotype spreadsheet and determines samples that have unique genotypes, or are not found in any other sample at that loci. A report is created with binary columns representing the unique genotypes per sample per variant.
Report Samples with Unique
Recommended Directory Location
Save the script to the following directory:
*..\Application Data\Golden Helix SVS\UserScripts\Spreadsheet\DNA_Seq
Note: The Application Data folder is a hidden folder on many operating systems and its location varies between operating systems. The easiest way to locate this directory on your computer is to open SVS and go to Tools >Open Folder > UserScripts Folder. If saved to the proper folder, this script will be accessible from the Spreadsheet DNA_Seq menu.
Need a Custom Script?
Need a script and don't feel you have the bioinformatics expertise to write it yourself? Click the link below to request a custom script and we'll see what we can do to help.
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