All Things VSClinical

         August 21, 2018

Featured in many of our recent blog posts, webcasts and tradeshow discussions, chances are you have heard about our newest tool, VSClinical, by now. Can you blame us though?! Allowing users to automate the clinical interpretation of variants based on ACMG guidelines – it is hard not to talk about it! But, in case you have not, this post serves as a summarized resource for learning all about VSClinical.

If you are a reader, you will love this series.

Golden Helix President & CEO, Andreas Scherer, Ph.D., VP of Product & Engineering, Gabe Rudy, and Director of Research, Nathan Fortier, Ph.D., put together an incredible, seven-part clinical variant interpretation series on VSClinical.

Maybe you are more of a video person?

Our recent webcasts have featured various aspects of VSClinical. We provide recordings of these webcasts for anyone who would like to review the content we cover. Here are some recommended webcasts on VSClinical:

Introducing VSClinical: Streamlining ACMG Variant Interpretation Guidelines
As the official introduction webcast of VSClinical for our community, this recording is a great way to start learning about all the capabilities available.

Automating the ACMG Guidelines with VSClinical
See how VSClinical automates the ACMG scoring guidelines while integrating the collective lab expertise from previously classified variants and preferences about genes.

Performing a Trio Analysis in VSClinical
Long-time VarSeq users are familiar with our trio template that comes packaged with the software. In this recording, we show some modifications to our baseline trio template to incorporate the ACMG classification results into various workflows.

Or, you could be a kinesthetic learner?

Ready to take VSClinical for a test drive? We offer personal demos with our FAS team and free trials of the software! If you are interested in one of these options, reach out to our team by emailing [email protected] and we will be happy to assist you!

Which ever way you choose to learn more about VSClinical, we believe it is only a matter of time before you join the VSClinical Fan Club! 

**Now through September 15, 2018, we are offering a variety of 20-month licenses for the price of a 12-month license! If you are interested in implementing a VSClinical solution, now is a great time! To see what is still available, visit**

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