Search Results for: Report

VarSeq 2.2.3 Released!

         April 27, 2021

I want to take this opportunity to highlight and briefly discuss some of the key features and updates that have been incorporated into VarSeq 2.2.3. Some of you may have attended the webcast that covered the prominent new features added to VarSeq, which are the updates to improve whole-exome analysis workflows, namely improved CNV calling in whole-exome datasets. However, there… Read more »

Using Gene Preferences in VarSeq and VSClinical

         April 20, 2021

With the latest release of VarSeq, we have made significant updates to our handling of the interaction of variants and genes. This includes the support for non-coding transcripts, improved splice site predictions, and updates to gene and transcript annotations. We received several questions regarding how decisions are made in the software regarding genes and transcripts with these gene-related changes. This… Read more »

Featured in The Journal of Precision Medicine: Implementing the ACMG Guidelines for CNV in a Commercial Software Solution

         April 8, 2021

We are excited to share our latest publication with The Journal of Precision Medicine, “Implementing the ACMG Guidelines for CNV in a Commercial Software Solution”. “In 2020, ACMG in collaboration with the ClinGen working group developed a new set of guidelines for the clinical interpretation of CNVs. While theseguidelines provide a robust set of rules for interpreting intragenic deletions and… Read more »

Webcast Recap: Exome Analysis with VS-CNV and VSClinical: Updated Strategies and Expanded Capabilities

         April 8, 2021
Exome CNV webcast

Thank you to those who attended the recent webcast, “Exome Analysis with VS-CNV & VSClinical: Updated Strategies & Expanded Capabilities”. For those who could not attend but wish to watch, here is a link to the recording. In this webcast, we covered the capabilities and updates that have been incorporated into VarSeq that enhance whole exome sequencing workflows. The new… Read more »

Customer Publications – March 2021

         March 25, 2021

Breakthroughs and discoveries in personalized medicine occur every day and here at Golden Helix, we are proud to play a role in so many cutting-edge investigations. It is always my pleasure to provide a brief description of what is only a small sample of our customer success stories over the course of four weeks and this month is no exception…. Read more »

New Assessment Catalogs Improve Saving and Tracking Variant Interpretations

         March 23, 2021

In this blog, we will be covering new assessment catalogs and how they work to improve saving and tracking variant interpretations. VarSeq is a variant analysis tool that effectively analyzes single nucleotide (SNVs) and copy number variants (CNVs) in both cancer and germline workflows.  Because VarSeq enables such diverse variant analysis, there are many research labs and institutions that evaluate… Read more »

Webcast Recap: VSWarehouse: Tracking Changing Variant Evidence and Classifications

         March 11, 2021

Thank you to those who attended the recent webcast, “VSWarehouse: Tracking Changing Variant Evidence and Classifications”. For those who could not attend but wish to watch, here is a link to the recording. The webcast covered some general highlights of VSWarehouse value but also presented some specific capabilities covering the ClinVar classification tracker. Golden Helix provides complete solutions to handle… Read more »

Implementation of ClinGen Dosage Sensitivity in VSClinical

         March 4, 2021
Clin Gen CNV

The collaboration between the Clinical Genome Resource (ClinGen) consortium and the American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG) recently developed published guidelines for the interpretation of CNVs called on next-generation sequencing data. These new guidelines are the first to provide a robust set of rules for the interpretation of small intragenic deletions and duplications and are now automated in VSClinical.  … Read more »

Lock in Annotation Source Versions to Increase Workflow Consistency

         February 25, 2021
Annoation Sources

Next-generation sequencing generates an immense amount of data which is then subject to a multi-step process to establish a validated bioinformatic pipeline. From processing raw sequence data to the detection of genetic mutations, establishing a validated and consistent bioinformatic pipeline makes a huge difference in the quality of patient care and accuracy of results. In this blog, we are focusing… Read more »

Customer Publications February 2021: The Heart Edition

         February 23, 2021

Welcome to our Customer Publications for February 2021. As we commemorate the 57th American Heart Month, it is important to remember why we are wearing red and using #OurHearts. Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute urges Americans to do what they can to be heart-healthy and mitigate the risks of… Read more »

Webcast Recap: Family-Based Workflows in VarSeq and VSClinical

         February 13, 2021
screen shot from webcast

Thank you for attending the webinar focused on implementing VarSeq and VSClinical for family-based workflows. If you would like to use the webinar as a reference or were not able to attend, you can access it using the following link to view ‘Family-Based Workflows in VarSeq and VSClinical. Here is a brief recap of what we discussed: This webinar demonstrated… Read more »

Updates on Splice Site Analysis

         February 2, 2021

Our latest VarSeq release is one of the largest we’ve ever had, boasting an extensive list of new features and improvements. As part of this release, we have dramatically expanded our support for splice site analysis. This includes improvements to our novel splice site algorithm and support for splice site effect prediction along with several other small improvements. Novel Splice… Read more »

VSClinical: Defining Sample Phenotypes

         January 20, 2021

Our recent release of VarSeq 2.2.2 comes with a long list of upgrades and new features. In this blog post, we will demonstrate how defining sample phenotypes are available in VSClinical. One noticeable change is the ACMG guideline variant evaluation in VSClinical. Not only has this interface added CNV guideline evaluation, simplified the reporting process with embedded Microsoft Word and… Read more »

Webcast Recap: VSClinical: A Complete Clinical Workflow Solution

         January 15, 2021

Didn’t catch the webcast live? No worries! We cover ‘VSClinical: A Complete Clinical Workflow Solution’ Q&A’s in this blog post. The webcast, ‘VSClinical: A Complete Clinical Workflow Solution’ demonstrated how solutions provided by Golden Helix can be implemented to cover all requirements of a clinical workspace. Specifically, this webcast focused on a detailed workflow from a bioinformatician, geneticist, and lab… Read more »

Golden Helix Featured in Numerous Publications 2020

         January 12, 2021

Golden Helix continues to innovate and grow, and due to this, we have been garnering attention and praise. We are thrilled to share with you some of the accolades and interest from numerous publications from the last six months. Talking points ranged from diagnosing and tracking Covid-19 infections leveraging NGS to new workflows, interpreting and reporting on copy number variants… Read more »

What to expect from Golden Helix in 2021

         January 1, 2021

Happy New Year! I hope you had an opportunity to relax over the holidays with your family and friends. It’s time to start talking about our plans for the New Year, but first, please allow me to review a few highlights from 2020 that helped build a foundation for our future. Growth: Golden Helix was named to the 2020 Inc… Read more »

VarSeq 2.2.2 Release Notes

         December 23, 2020

VarSeq 2.2.2 was released on December 17th, 2020 and the main feature that was added to VarSeq was that the VSClinical ACMG Guidelines workflow now has an additional CNV interpretation framework based on the ACMG/ClinGen guidelines. This product supports interpreting CNVs detected with VS-CNV or imported CNVs alongside variants and requires both a VSClinical ACMG license and a CNV license…. Read more »

Customer Publications Featuring VarSeq December 2020

         December 23, 2020

Reading scientific articles that our customers have recently published is one of my favorite things here at Golden Helix. It is fascinating to learn about the research and to see the various ways our software gets put to the test.Since we are rolling out our most extensive VarSeq update yet, I thought it would be a great time to look… Read more »

Updated Annotations: RefSeq with MANE Select Transcripts

         December 17, 2020

Our upcoming release of VarSeq is one of the largest we’ve ever had with our software! It comes with an extensive list of polishes and new features like our recently mentioned ACMG CNV classifier and a redesigned reporting interface with updated templates. Additionally, this new release is also paired with some major upgrades to our list of new and supported… Read more »

Need Coverage Statistics? VarSeq Has You Covered!

         December 15, 2020

Curious about how coverage statistics can be used in conjunction with VarSeq? Evaluating the coverage over target regions or whole genomes is essential whether you are working with variant or CNV analysis. VarSeq has had the capability to compute sample level coverage statistics for some time now, but in the 2.2.2 release of VarSeq, there are some new features that… Read more »