Search Results for: Report

Highlights From Our Golden Helix CancerKB Webcast

         November 24, 2021

Thank you to everyone who attended Using Golden Helix CancerKB to Accelerate NGS Cancer Testing! I had a great time showing off Golden Helix CancerKB and how it can enhance NGS analysis in cancer, I certainly hope you enjoyed it! If you were unable to make the live session, we have added the on-demand recording to our site, or we… Read more »

Running VSPipeline from a Docker Container

         November 10, 2021
VSPipeline Docker Container BLOG

As a lab or group scales the number of NGS samples analyzed, it is important to automate the sample analysis pipeline from the sequencer to the point where it is ready for a variant scientist or lab personnel to follow the interpretation workflow and draft a clinical report. VSPipeline leverages the core VarSeq capability to create reproducible test-specific workflows through… Read more »

Customer Publications in October 2021

         October 28, 2021
varseq customer publications October 2021

The customer-published articles this October cite the range of Golden Helix’s VarSeq annotation range and capability. The following publications feature everything from annotating an Italian nobleman mummy, assisting in identifying mutations in primary congenital and juvenile glaucoma, new mutations associated with muscular dystrophinopathy, and germline variants associated with head and neck cancer. In each of these cases, VarSeq was utilized… Read more »

Details of the Golden Helix CancerKB Database Update

         October 21, 2021
cancerkb updates

Recently we have released blog posts discussing updates to annotations in VarSeq such as ClinVar and COSMIC. Keeping with that trend, in this blog post, I will discuss the most recent updates to the Golden Helix CancerKB database. For those how may be unfamiliar with the Golden Helix CancerKB source, it is a professional curated set of interpretations for the… Read more »

Case Study with LifeCell International: Transforming Precision Medicine in India

         September 13, 2021

Established in 2004 and headquartered in Chennai, India, with regional centers across the country, LifeCell runs India’s largest stem cell bank and has also diversified into diagnostics and tissue therapeutics. They employ roughly 2,000 people, providing genetic services to customers in the mother and baby space. Phani Nagaraja Setty is working as a scientist at LifeCell. Setty obtained his Master’s… Read more »

VSClinical Customer Publications for August 2021

         August 31, 2021

Welcome to the August edition of our customer publications blog post! Each month we spotlight a few recently published articles by our incredible Golden Helix customers. With users spanning both research and clinical spaces, the topics vary widely across many fields. This month, we will be highlighting VSClinical users and the guided workflow. Host Genetics and Antiviral Immune Responses in… Read more »

ESHG 2021 Corporate Satellite Talks

         August 26, 2021

Join the Golden Helix team at this year’s ESHG 2021 Virtual Conference! We will be presenting two different talks on our different product solutions and fielding any questions you might have. VSClinical: a comprehensive NGS clinical solution The first talk, VSClinical: a comprehensive NGS clinical solution, will be on Sun, 29 August, 14:00-15:00. This will be moderated by Golden Helix… Read more »

Manage gene lists across projects with VarSeq and VSClinical

         August 18, 2021

Clinical labs often maintain gene panels, which are lists of genes with evidence of disease association. These panels are used to prioritize variants and limit interpretations to a predefined set of test-specific genes. In general, gene panels should be stored independently of any specific project or interpretation, as it is common for an individual gene panel to be generally applicable… Read more »

How a neonate’s rash can be one of your most important pieces of data: making phenotypic info statistically tractable for clinical diagnostics

         August 5, 2021

I remember visiting a patient in the NICU amongst the incubators, some glowing blue like tiny tanning beds to treat jaundice, all containing tiny humans – many smaller than a loaf of bread. Infants get admitted into the neonatal intensive care unit or NICU for many reasons ranging from elevated bilirubin, hypoglycemia, sepsis, and respiratory distress (RDS). Many are eventually… Read more »

Customer Publications in July 2021

         July 29, 2021

In this month’s Customer Publication blog, I will highlight four studies that provided further insights into conditions that are typically identified in early childhood. As you will see as you read the summaries of each publication, both Golden Helix software platforms (VarSeq and SNP & Variation Suite or SVS for short) were instrumental in exploring the genetic factors that influence… Read more »

Highlights from “Reduce Turn-Around with Enhanced Cancer Annotations and Golden Helix CancerKB Updates”

         July 22, 2021

We had a wonderful turnout for our recent webcast, “Reduce Turn-Around with Enhanced Cancer Annotations & Golden Helix CancerKB Updates.” Thanks so much to those who were able to join us! And not to worry, we have a link to the recording here just in case you weren’t able to make it. We covered the gamut of new and updated annotation tracks available in VarSeq along… Read more »

Selecting Clinically Relevant Transcripts in VarSeq

         June 28, 2021

One of the many tricks of encoding so much functionality into so little space in eukaryotic genomes is the ability to produce multiple distinct mRNAs (transcripts) from a single gene. While one transcript is often the dominant one for a given tissue or cell type, there are, of course, exceptions in the messy reality of biology. It doesn’t take many… Read more »

Golden Helix’s Next-Gen Sequencing Data Analysis Solutions Explained

         June 22, 2021
VSClinical algorithm

Next-gen sequencing (NGS) comprises many sophisticated steps that are often compressed into three major sections: library prep, sequencing, and data analysis. Obviously, the goal is to simplify each of these steps, but more often than not, there is a need for multiple tools to complete each one. Regarding the data analysis, Golden Helix seeks to provide simple yet comprehensive solutions… Read more »

Highlights from our PhoRank 2.0 Webcast

         June 10, 2021

Thank you to those who attended our recent webcast, “PhoRank 2.0: Improved Phenotype-Based Gene Ranking in VarSeq”. For those who could not attend, you can find a link to the recording here. This webcast covered upcoming improvements to the PhoRank phenotype-based gene ranking algorithm based on literature published in the years since the algorithm’s development. The PhoRank Algorithm When performing… Read more »

Variant Filtration and Interpretation

         June 3, 2021

I learned about Batten disease from a childhood friend’s Facebook post. Over the course of a few months, her 8-year-old, Eva, the oldest of 4 daughters – Emily, Lucy, and Carly – was rapidly going blind. Baffled, doctors ran a genetic panel that returned a devastating result – the diagnosis of Juvenile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis or Batten disease. A broad… Read more »

Customer Publications – May 2021

         May 25, 2021

In this month’s customer publication blog, both of our flagship software platforms are shown hard at work to cover many scientific investigational topics. You will get a glimpse of how VSClinical can be used to dive deeper into a specific gene associated with breast cancer and how SVS is enabling scientific discoveries in Agrigenomics and human health and wellness. Read… Read more »

Golden Helix Customer Publications – April 2021

         April 29, 2021

Researchers and clinicians alike benefit from the powerful capabilities of Golden Helix’s software. Our tools are continuously validated, and we like to showcase a few articles each month that demonstrate the multitude of use cases and advancements in science. For our April installment, I would like to highlight the clinical space, with users spanning the globe, all with a common… Read more »

VarSeq 2.2.3 Released!

         April 27, 2021

I want to take this opportunity to highlight and briefly discuss some of the key features and updates that have been incorporated into VarSeq 2.2.3. Some of you may have attended the webcast that covered the prominent new features added to VarSeq, which are the updates to improve whole-exome analysis workflows, namely improved CNV calling in whole-exome datasets. However, there… Read more »

Using Gene Preferences in VarSeq and VSClinical

         April 20, 2021

With the latest release of VarSeq, we have made significant updates to our handling of the interaction of variants and genes. This includes the support for non-coding transcripts, improved splice site predictions, and updates to gene and transcript annotations. We received several questions regarding how decisions are made in the software regarding genes and transcripts with these gene-related changes. This… Read more »

Featured in The Journal of Precision Medicine: Implementing the ACMG Guidelines for CNV in a Commercial Software Solution

         April 8, 2021

We are excited to share our latest publication with The Journal of Precision Medicine, “Implementing the ACMG Guidelines for CNV in a Commercial Software Solution”. “In 2020, ACMG in collaboration with the ClinGen working group developed a new set of guidelines for the clinical interpretation of CNVs. While theseguidelines provide a robust set of rules for interpreting intragenic deletions and… Read more »