Search Results for: Cancer

User Perspective For Somatic Analysis in VSClinical AMP: Webcast Q & A Follow-Up

         August 25, 2022
AMP Webcast Q&A

Thank you to those who attended our webcast on the user perspective of our automated AMP guidelines! Furthermore, let me express our appreciation for those particularly engaged users who posed some very thoughtful questions. While we weren’t able to answer all of them live, I hope to shed some light on some pertinent details of somatic analysis here. Let’s start… Read more »

FASTQ to Report: Streamlining the process with Golden Helix Software

         August 3, 2022

Manually converting FASTQs to VCFs, importing these into VarSeq, and building projects from scratch is adequate when you have only a handful of cases per week. But as you start ramping up production, the key to your lab’s success quickly becomes how quickly and efficiently you can get to the reporting of your analysis. This blog will explain how you… Read more »

Customer Publications May 2022

         May 31, 2022

As we look back on May, I wanted to highlight a range of applications that our VarSeq suite is capable of and show the success of our partners. In these publications, our VarSeq suite is utilized for the analysis of whole-exome, clinical variant classification and association, and assisting in an NGS panel for clinical oncology use. VarSeq’s range and capability… Read more »

Questions from Webcast: Evaluating Cloud vs On-Premises for NGS Clinical Workflows

         May 23, 2022

In the era where cloud-based solutions are the default for the modern office, it may not be obvious why many laboratories and testing centers choose to host their data and analysis pipelines on-premises or on self-managed cloud services. In the recent webcast Evaluating Cloud vs On-Premises for NGS Clinical Workflows, I explored the topic of how to make infrastructure decisions… Read more »

What’s Coming to VSClinical: Expanded Clinical Trial Search Results

         May 17, 2022

While the interpretation of germline variants generally focuses on the pathogenicity of a variant for a specific disease, the interpretation of somatic variants is centered around each variant’s impact on clinical care. As a result, clinical trials play an important role in assessing the clinical significance of somatic biomarkers, with the AMP Guidelines assigning a higher level of evidence to… Read more »

Mining Curated Databases for Literature in VSClinical

         April 29, 2022

Curated databases are a real time saver when compiling published evidence to support your variant evaluations and classifications. Leveraging the curated databases at your fingertips in our VSClinical variant interpretation hub is even more efficient. Not only does VSClinical provides users with automated variant classification for germline variants according to the ACMG guidelines and somatic variants according to the AMP… Read more »

Customer Success

         April 27, 2022
customer success april 2022

For this month’s Customer Success blog, I decided to revisit some of my favorite studies that had previously been featured in years past. At the time we first highlighted the below publications, some of them were in pre-print and have since been accepted and published. What they all have in common is the implementation of our VSClinical software, which saved… Read more »

Mining VarSeq Curated Databases for Literature – Raw Data Search in Variant Table or GenomeBrowse

         April 21, 2022

An under-utilized use of VarSeq is the ability of mining raw variant data in GenomeBrowse for relevant literature. By bringing in various public and private annotation sources, GenomeBrowse allows the user to interface with raw variant data in a compressed and manageable view. This blog will show you how to leverage these sources to power up your search for variant… Read more »

Customer Publications March 2022

         March 31, 2022
customer publications march 2022

We at Golden Helix thoroughly enjoy seeing our software being utilized to solve problems and assist in the diagnosis of hereditary diseases. It is gratifying to be notified of customer publications in which they are doing precisely this. While there have been numerous publications this month showcasing Golden Helix software being applied, below are a few that stuck out specifically…. Read more »

New Annotations Product Page

         March 30, 2022

Golden Helix is always trying to add new helpful resources to aid in using Golden Helix products for NGS analysis. In today’s blog, I am very excited to introduce a new resource for Golden Helix users! A new resource that is now available is our Golden Helix Annotations product page available on the Golden Helix Learning Hub! The goal for… Read more »

See you all at ACMG 2022!

         March 16, 2022

Everyone at Golden Helix is excited to be traveling once again to an eventful week in Nashville, Tennessee, for ACMG 2022! If you are attending the conference, we hope you will stop by our booth and say hello to the team: Andreas Scherer, Ph.D., Darby Kammeraad, Jennifer Dankoff, and myself, Casey Fullem. We are all excited to be having the… Read more »

Reporting Secondary Germline Variants in VSClinical AMP

         March 2, 2022
Reporting Secondary Germline Variants in VSClinical AMP

Tumor profiling via next generation sequencing (NGS) often reveals secondary germline variants that may constitute important incidental findings. In May 2021, the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) released an updated policy statement for reporting incidental findings in exome and genome sequencing data along with a corresponding list of genes. These recommendations state that laboratories should report pathogenic… Read more »

Integrating Custom Gene Panels for Variant Annotations Q&A Follow Up

         February 16, 2022
Integrating Custom Gene Panels for Variant Annotations

Thanks to all those who attended the recent webcast by Dr. Rana Smalling, “Integrating Custom Gene Panels for Variant Annotations”. If you were unable to attend or would like to recap, here is a link to watch the broadcast. We covered a lot of content regarding virtual gene panels, and there were several questions submitted during our Q&A session that… Read more »

Highlights from Advanced Report Customization in VSClinical Webcast: Somatic Reports

         January 6, 2022
advanced somatic report customization in vsclinical

In our previous blog, we covered the highlights of our Advanced Report Customization in VSClinical webcast in the context of germline clinical reports. Now, we bring you the next of the series: somatic clinical reports. In the recent webcast, Advanced Report Customization, we covered a range of somatic-focused clinical reports, demonstrating how easy it is to create AMP guideline-based clinical… Read more »

What to Expect in 2022

         January 3, 2022

Happy New Year to all! I hope that you were able to enjoy quality time over the holidays with family and friends. It is time to begin discussing our plans for the new year again, but I would first like to review a few highlights from 2021 that laid the foundation for Golden Helix’s future. Golden Helix had a resoundingly… Read more »

Customer Publications in November and December 2021

         December 30, 2021

The articles we saw this November and December cited a wide range of applications of our product suite. The following publications feature usage of our SNP & Variation Suite, VSClinical, and VarSeq products. We see them being utilized to identify loci associated with facial eczema in New Zealand sheep, somatic mutation response impact, and assisting in estimating breast cancer risk… Read more »

VarSeq 2.2.4 Release

         November 30, 2021

We are very excited to announce that just last week, we released VarSeq 2.2.4! In the past few months, we have been building the excitement for the 2.2.4 version of VarSeq with several webcasts in which we describe some of the headlining features in detail such as the new support for Gene Panels and Gene Lists, PhoRank Clinical, and Customized… Read more »

Running VSPipeline from a Docker Container

         November 10, 2021
VSPipeline Docker Container BLOG

As a lab or group scales the number of NGS samples analyzed, it is important to automate the sample analysis pipeline from the sequencer to the point where it is ready for a variant scientist or lab personnel to follow the interpretation workflow and draft a clinical report. VSPipeline leverages the core VarSeq capability to create reproducible test-specific workflows through… Read more »

VarSeq Advanced Reporting Customizations: Part 1

         November 9, 2021

As we move towards the end of the year, our FAS Team is excited to announce our short blog series highlighting some of the Customization Features in our up-and-coming VarSeq release! The goal of this blog series is to show examples of how generating a clinical report can be customized to accommodate a wide range of functionality. Our December webcast,… Read more »