Search Results for: Cancer

Identifying Oncogenic Variants in VarSeq Webcast

         September 21, 2023

Traditionally genetic tests in cancer have focused on small gene panels that restrict their analysis to a small number of well-studied cancer genes. However, as sequencing costs have decreased, many clinical laboratories have embraced comprehensive genomic profiling tests that rely on whole exome and whole genome next-generation sequencing (NGS) workflows, which can detect millions of high-quality variants for a single… Read more »

Accessing Report Templates and Simple Modifications

         September 18, 2023

Your variants of interest have been identified, the SVs annotated, and the CNVs classified. Once the manifest has been imported (and here is a great blog on the subject), the last step is to bring all of this information into a report template! In this blog, we will go over some simple report modifications and provide resources for more information… Read more »

Choosing Bin Sizes for the VarSeq CNV Binned Caller

         September 14, 2023

Detecting CNVs from whole genome data has a number of advantages but also unique challenges. Whole genomes offer a comprehensive and uniform picture of the entire genome, allowing a user to capture CNVs at a higher resolution than with data sequenced at a lesser scale. It also allows for the detection of structural variation over non-coding regions and for a… Read more »

Evaluation scripts in VSPipeline: We heard you like automation…

         September 12, 2023

…so we added some automation to your automation so you can automate while you automate! Automation has been a hot topic recently and for all the right reasons. As we (proudly) watch our customers increase their sample and data volume, we are constantly seeking to provide tools to reduce click rate and optimize throughput. Furthermore, with all of the new… Read more »

VarSeq Assessment Catalogs for Beginners

         August 29, 2023

Variant interpretation is a critical aspect of any clinical NGS workflow. VarSeq assessment catalogs are a tool used to save variants and associated variant information for easy tracking and retrieval of completed variant interpretations. As variant interpretations stack up and classifications are saved, storing in assessment catalogs makes it easy to automatically fill in a previous interpretation if the variant… Read more »

Webcast Recap: Best Practices for Validating a Next-Gen Sequencing Workflow

         August 17, 2023

With the widespread adoption of next-generation sequencing for clinical and research applications comes the need for guidance and recommended standards and best practices for achieving accuracy and efficacy for each assay pipeline. The support team at Golden Helix has gotten a lot of hands-on experience in assisting users to build their bioinformatics workflows for NGS assays. We recently shared our… Read more »

Versatile NGS Exports with VSClinical’s Custom Scripts

         August 10, 2023

Configuring a bioinformatic pipeline to reliably process genomic data is no small task. Doing so in an efficient, consistent way is an even grander challenge. Luckily, the VarSeq software suite provides a comprehensive toolbox for automation and integration. One of the first questions a new VarSeq user might ask is where processed data needs to end up. The versatility of… Read more »

Advancing Precision Medicine: A Spotlight on Golden Helix’s VarSeq in Genomic Research and Clinical Applications

         August 1, 2023

The field of genomics and precision medicine is rapidly evolving, bringing forth innovative diagnostic and treatment approaches. The cutting-edge techniques and technologies discussed in the following papers provide insight into how whole-exome sequencing (WES), whole-genome sequencing (WGS), and deep computational analysis are reshaping healthcare. Our spotlight is on recent customer publications featuring the study of a unique heritable form of… Read more »

Optimizing the Capture of Tier II Evidence in VSClinical AMP

         July 18, 2023

VarSeq 2.3.0 unleashed a whole new way to select, process, analyze, and report cancer variants through complete workflow automation, application of evaluation scripts, and enhanced annotation. Single nucleotide variants, copy number variants, structural variants, and genomic signatures could be added to a single patient evaluation, and Golden Helix CancerKB came packed with new report-ready interpretations to support them! Soon after,… Read more »

Unlocking Genetic Mysteries: Celebrating Customer Innovations with VarSeq Software

         June 27, 2023

At Golden Helix, our community of customers and researchers is at the core of our commitment to advancing genomic research and precision medicine. We are thrilled to highlight some recent customer publications that have made innovative use of our VarSeq software in their research. These studies, which span across diverse fields including cardiology and oncology, illustrate the versatile applications of… Read more »

Data Viewing with VarSeq: Plotting Tracks!

         June 26, 2023

In recent weeks, GenomeBrowse capabilities have had a sudden resurgence of interest among our customers. To support this, the FAS team wanted to share with you several under-utilized GenomeBrowse plotting tricks. First, let’s cover plotting a BED file for easy track viewing. The first step is launching a GenomeBrowse window by clicking the + button and selecting GenomeBrowse (Figure 1)… Read more »

Using Evaluation Scripts to Automatically Incorporate Secondary Evidence into Your AMP Workflow

         June 15, 2023

The AMP guidelines workflow in VSClinical provides a user-friendly tool for the interpretation of somatic biomarkers across the entire spectrum of genomic variation. One of the most useful features of this workflow is its ability to streamline the evaluation of clinical evidence for a somatic biomarker using the AMP Tier evidence levels. The AMP Guidelines classify a biomarker into one… Read more »

We are Headed to AMP Europe 2023!

         June 12, 2023

Discover the Latest Developments in Variant Classification and Interpretation Tools at Golden Helix’s Booth at AMP Europe 2023 in Milan, Italy We are thrilled to announce that Golden Helix will be participating in the AMP Europe 2023 conference in Milan! We are eagerly looking forward to connecting with leading healthcare professionals and researchers in the field of genetics at this… Read more »

We are Headed to ESHG 2023!

         June 6, 2023

Explore the Newest Developments in Variant Classification and Interpretation Tools at Golden Helix’s Booth at ESHG 2023 We are excited to announce that Golden Helix will be attending the ESHG 2023 conference in Glasgow! We can’t wait to connect with leading healthcare professionals and researchers in the field of genetics at this premier event. Find us in Booth #566 Be sure… Read more »

When Negative Findings are a Good Thing to Report: Leveraging VarSeq’s VSClinical AMP

         May 25, 2023

Explore the importance of negative findings in genomic medicine through the lens of VarSeq’s VSClinical AMP. When analyzing a somatic sample in VarSeq, users have the option to report on several types of biomarkers with VSClinical AMP. In addition to your usual mutational biomarkers such as small variants, your copy number variants, and structural variants, we support the analysis of… Read more »

Webcast Recap: VarSeq 2.4.0: Structural Variants and Advanced Automation in VSClinical ACMG

         May 22, 2023

In our recent webcast, we discussed the exciting new features of VarSeq 2.4.0 and the updated VSClinical interface. The discussion was centered around three main topics: In summary, VarSeq 2.4.0 uniquely supports the analysis of all variant types in the clinical interpretation workflow. By incorporating structural variants, enhancing automation, and empowering users to handle complex data, it offers a comprehensive… Read more »

Transitioning to Broad-Scale Genomics: From Gene Panels to Whole Genome Sequencing

         May 16, 2023

Explore the evolving landscape of genomic analysis, transitioning from targeted gene panels to whole genome sequencing. A recent trend with our customers has been to expand their workflows from small panel sequencing analyses to larger whole exome and genome sequencing analyses. The decreasing cost of sequencing has made this a rather common request. Although more data allows for a greater… Read more »

Virtual Presentation at Bio-IT World Conference & Expo

         May 9, 2023

The Bio-IT World Conference & Expo is a prestigious event showcasing the latest advancements in bioinformatics, computational biology, and data management. This year, the conference will be held in person and virtually, making it accessible to an even broader audience of researchers and bioinformatics enthusiasts. Andreas Scherer, President and CEO of Golden Helix, Inc., will be presenting a virtual talk… Read more »


         May 4, 2023

Use the force of evaluation scripts to automate and customize your VSClinical ACMG workflow in VarSeq 2.4.0. VarSeq 2.3.0 came packed with new features! Most notably, VarSeq variant analysis expanded to support the import and annotation of structural variant files, and the AMP cancer workflow in VSClinical gained new functionality with the addition of evaluation scripts which help automate and… Read more »

Managing the Scope of Somatic Variants Reported in VSClinical

         April 13, 2023
Managing the Scope of Somatic Variants Reported in VSClinical

Discover the power of VSClinical’s Interpretation Match Behavior options for managing the scope of somatic variants in cancer reporting, enabling clinical teams to make informed treatment decisions. Multiple interpretations can apply to a single biomarker or tumor type. In some circumstances, a clinical team may only want to report the most relevant and significant biomarker, treatment, diagnosis, or prognosis interpretations… Read more »