Search Results for: VSPipeline

Automating & Standardizing Your NGS Workflow: Part II

         August 29, 2019

VSPipeline: Automating your Tertiary Workflows The first part of this “Automating & Standardizing your NGS Workflow” blog series covered the secondary analysis steps of read alignment and variant calling with Sentieon. The next step is to transition into the tertiary analysis via utilization of our workflow automation tool, VSPipeline. VSPipeline operates as a command-line tool meant to simplify the deployment… Read more »

Automating & Standardizing Your NGS Workflow: Part I

         August 5, 2019

Secondary Analysis with Sentieon: Rapid and Accurate Variant Calling This blog post will cover the utilization of secondary analysis tools to produce a list of high-quality variants and associated coverage data. This data will serve as the main, importable content for the tertiary stage of analysis where variants are interpreted and classified for their impact on a patients’ disorder. We… Read more »

Automating & Standardizing Your NGS Workflow

         July 30, 2019

As our regular customers may know, we write our blogs to provide relevant content to any NGS-based analysis with VarSeq. Our goal here at Golden Helix is to provide top quality software and guidance on how to use the software efficiently to perform variant analysis. However, this blog series will take a more general perspective and supply some insight into… Read more »

Automating Clinical Workflows: Part III

         April 19, 2019

In the previous two articles, we explored the different steps of a clinical workflow. The first post covered the automated analysis that creates a VarSeq project. While the second post covered the interpretation steps and generation of a clinical report. These posts illustrated the ease with which these complex tasks can be carried out. Today we’ll dig a little bit… Read more »

Automating Clinical Workflows: Part I

         April 3, 2019

Automating a clinical workflow creates a stable and repeatable clinical analysis. Automation reduces the potential to introduce human error, helps in regulatory compliance, and improves the precision of the clinical results. It is important to know that if you run a sample through your clinical pipeline, you are going to get the same results today as you will in 6… Read more »

End of Year Pricing is Here!

         November 11, 2016

This year we have added some very important features to our software including CNV calling in VarSeq and integrating our premium annotations into SVS. We have also made many improvements to our software’s performance so that you can handle growing datasets with relative ease. In an effort to thank our community for their support throughout the year, we are happy… Read more »

FAQ: Creating Repeatable Clinical Workflows

         August 18, 2016
Repeatable clinical workflows

Question: Now that I’ve added annotation sources for my sample, filtered down to a list of interesting variants, flagged those variants and generated a clinical report, can I save or copy the annotation sources and filters for use on another sample? Short Answer: Yes! Long Answer: VarSeq was created with ease and efficiency in mind. In VarSeq, once you’ve defined… Read more »

Launch of the Golden Helix eCommerce Store

         June 16, 2016
Golden Helix eCommerce

Today, we launched our eCommerce Store. With this capability we respond to our customers requesting a simplified way to conduct business with us. Here is the background on this latest development. As we continue to grow in the genomics space, the needs of our clients fall really into two categories. On one hand, there are clients who want convenient access to our… Read more »

ESHG 2016 – Heading to Barcelona

         May 17, 2016
ESHG 2016

In just a few days, Golden Helix will arrive in Barcelona, Spain to attend the 2016 European Society of Human Genetics Conference (ESHG). It has been some time since our team has been represented at ESHG and we are thrilled to see some of our European customers and meet some new faces in the community. This year the Golden Helix team will… Read more »

What to expect from Golden Helix in 2016

         December 31, 2015

Golden Helix in 2016 We had a terrific year 2015. It was the year in which we got serious about the clinical testing market. We successfully continued on the path of attracting more referenceable clients such as University of Iowa, Baby Genes, Prevention Genetics and many more. We rounded out our VarSeq suite by adding more clinically relevant features and… Read more »

A New and Unexpectedly Powerful VarSeq Feature

         November 17, 2015

With the release of VSReports, we added the ability to “select” rows of your filtered output (often variants, but potentially things like coverage regions or genes) with a new feature dubbed “Record Sets”, but more often described as “colored checkboxes” for your tables. Although necessary for the important task of marking primary, secondary or other sets of variants for a… Read more »

What to expect from ASHG 2015

         September 29, 2015

The 65th annual ASHG in Baltimore will be another exciting one. We at Golden Helix have been very busy this year making great improvements to both SVS and the VarSeq software and we look forward to showcasing them during our in-booth demos. In particular, we will launch two new additions to the VarSeq software suite; VSReports and VSWarehouse. VSReports brings highly customizable clinical… Read more »

Clinical Reporting comes to VarSeq

         September 17, 2015

The next release of VarSeq will ship a new product that is highly relevant to our customers in clinical testing labs. Via VSReports, VarSeq now has the ability to generate clinical-grade reports. These reports are fully customizable, containing focused and actionable data. VS Reports ships with report templates that are modeled off of the ACMG guidelines, the de-facto gold standard… Read more »

Coverage Statistics Come to VarSeq

         August 20, 2015

A prerequisite for clinical NGS interpretation is ensuring that the data being analyzed is of high enough quality to support the test results being returned to the physician. The keystone of this quality control process is coverage analysis. Coverage analysis has two distinct parts. Ensure that there is sufficient coverage to be confident in called variants Make certain that no… Read more »

Tumor/Normal Pair support now available in VarSeq!

         July 16, 2015

VarSeq now supports analysis of paired Tumor/Normal samples! Tumor/Normal support has been one of the most common feature requests for VarSeq since it was launched late last year, and we are excited to make this functionality available to all of our VarSeq users in the latest update (version 1.1.4). VarSeq is a powerful platform for annotation and filtering of DNA… Read more »

Command-line Interface added to Golden Helix’s VarSeq Software

         June 18, 2015

Golden Helix recently announced the addition of VSPipeline to our VarSeq software. VSPipeline is a command-line interface that will allow high throughput environments the ability to tap the full power of VarSeq’s algorithms and flexible project template system from any command line context, including existing bioinformatics pipeline. VSPipeline supports the need to efficiently generate VarSeq projects from workflow-encoding project templates…. Read more »

VarSeq is a better ANNOVAR, snpEff and VEP

         June 9, 2015

Yes, I said it. “Them be fighting words” you may say. Well, it’s worth putting a stake in the ground when you have worked hard to have a claim worth staking. We have explored the landscape, surveyed the ravines and dangerous cliffs, laboriously removed the boulders and even dynamited a few tree stumps. Stake planted. Ok, so now I’m going… Read more »