Search Results for: Report

Leaky Sprinklers and “The Future of NGS Market Study 2011”

         November 23, 2011

Have you ever chosen to do something yourself instead of paying money for the alternative, when, in the long run, the alternative is not really that expensive? We all have, as we all have limited budgets. One particular example comes to mind in my own life. My boyfriend, Ben, and I bought a house in April. Unfortunately, it wasn’t properly… Read more »

Is NGS the Answer?

         November 9, 2011

While there is a lot of excitement in the industry about Next-Generation Sequencing, questions remain as to whether it will be “the answer” to the ails of the genetic research industry. I recently had the opportunity to sit down with three of Golden Helix’s thought leaders and ask a few questions about NGS – Gabe Rudy, Vice President of Product… Read more »

Marker Map Manipulation Improvements in SVS 7.5

         August 31, 2011

Manipulating a marker map in SVS has never been easier, thanks to expanded functionality in SVS 7.5.  Have you ever wanted to view annotation data next to marker map data?  Or expand the current marker map with spreadsheet data to create a custom map?  SVS 7.5 features two new functions that can accomplish these tasks. Adding Annotation Data to a… Read more »

DNA Variant Analysis of Complete Genomics’ Next-Generation Sequencing Data

         August 17, 2011

As I’ve mentioned in previous blog posts, one of the great aspects of our scientific community is the sharing of public data. With a mission of providing powerful and accurate tools to researchers, we at at Golden Helix especially appreciate the value of having rich and extensive public data to test and calibrate those tools. Public data allow us to… Read more »

Please Help Me Get My Regression Model Set Up!

         July 6, 2011

Golden Helix’ SNP & Variation Suite (SVS) has a Regression Module to enable researchers with varying degrees of statistical knowledge to interrogate their data using regression models to account for potential confounding effects of covariates and interaction terms. While these tools are labeled “basic”, they can be difficult to use and results hard to interpret for those who have only… Read more »

“Dammit Jim, I’m a doctor, not a bioinformatician!”

         May 12, 2011

Academic Software, Productivity, and Reproducible Research httpv:// Do you ever feel like Dr. McCoy on Star Trek, where your job and expertise is to do x, but to achieve your goals you also have to do y and z, which you either don’t want to do or don’t have the skills to do? Genetic researchers are faced with this every… Read more »

NGS Tools and Formats for Secondary Analysis: A Primer

         April 20, 2011

In a series of previous blog posts, I gave an overview of Next Generation Sequencing trends and technologies. In Part Two of the three part series, the range of steps and programs used in the bioinfomatics of NGS data was defined as primary, secondary and tertiary analysis. In Part Three I went into more details on the needs and workflows… Read more »

Recent Publications on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Bovine Calving Ease, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, and much more

         March 29, 2011

We’ve had another busy few weeks for Golden Helix customers who have been hard at work publishing in all sorts of journals on all sorts of topics. (All abstracts below.) First off, from the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in LA, “Replication of association of a novel insulin receptor gene polymorphism with polycystic ovary syndrome” was recently in Fertility and Sterility with… Read more »

ANOVA, Nonparametric Tests, and More Added to SVS via New Python Capabilities

         March 3, 2011

Our recent blog post about the release of  SNP & Variation Suite v7.4 gave you a sneak peek into what can be achieved with the revamped SVS/Python integration, which includes the incorporation of NumPy and SciPy libraries and new graphical layout capabilities. A Python package (such as SciPy) is similar to an R package, which you may be more familiar… Read more »

Recent Publications on Asthma, Schizophrenia, Peripheral Neuropathy, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Alzheimer Disease, and Esophageal Cancer

         February 17, 2011

As you may have guessed from the title of this post, we’ve had a lot of customers publishing in the first six weeks of 2011. We are always excited to hear about about our customers’ findings and how they were able to use SNP & Variation Suite to accelerate their research. (All abstracts below.) First, in the pharma world, congrats… Read more »

Recent Publications on Schizophrenia, Cocaine Abuse, Childhood IgA Nephropathy, CNV Regions, and Genetic Variants in Metabolic Traits

         January 5, 2011

Happy New Year! Golden Helix customers published 92 papers in 2010 unveiling new associations and novel findings using SNP and Variation Suite – a great feat for all! We anticipate an even more “significant” 2011. Wrapping up last year, congrats to Subba Rao Indugula, Guangyun Sun, and Ranjan Deka over at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine for their… Read more »

A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Next Generation Sequencing – Part 2

         December 9, 2010

When you think about the cost of doing genetic research, it’s no secret that the complexity of bioinformatics has been making data analysis a larger and larger portion of the total cost of a given project or study. With next-gen sequencing data, this reality is rapidly setting in. In fact, if it hasn’t already, it’s been commonly suggested that the… Read more »

Recent Publications on Type 2 Diabetic Retinopathy, Grapevine Flavor, Pulminary Function, and Pharmacogenetics Testing

         November 30, 2010

Let’s kick off this month’s recognition with Audrey Papp and Wolfgang Sadee at Ohio State University for their work on “Flavopiridol Pharmacogenetics: Clinical and Functional Evidence for the Role of SLCO1B1/OATP1B1 in Flavopiridol Disposition” just published in PLoS ONE. (All abstracts below.) Also in pharmacogenetics (albeit in mice) this month is Tristan Sissung at the NIH National Cancer Research. His… Read more »

CNV Analysis Tips for Illumina Data

         November 24, 2010

Please see our updated tutorials for CNV Analysis by visiting: The following statement is representative of a common question that is posed to the Golden Helix support team: “I followed all of the steps in the SVS7 CNV analysis tutorial, but my results seem kinda funny. The segment means are skewed to the left and it doesn’t look like… Read more »

Recent Publications on Bladder Cancer, Schizophrenia, Childhood IgA Nephropathy, and Ancestry Markers

         November 5, 2010

Recognition this month begins with Eric Londin at Coriell Institute for Medical Research for his publication in PLoS ONE: “CoAIMs: A Cost-Effective Panel of Ancestry Informative Markers for Determining Continental Origins.” (Abstract below). Also recently published in PLoS ONE is Chiara Magri with Brescia University School of Medicine on her study locating new CNVs in schizophrenia. (Abstract below) Skipping over… Read more »

Best Practices for Incorporating Public Genotype Data in Your Study

         October 12, 2010

The Golden Helix sales team recently came to me for recommendations regarding best practices for incorporating public controls in SNP GWAS.  It seems that there has been a surge of questions regarding this practice over the past few weeks from our customers.  Initially, I laughed at the irony of being asked to outline the best practices for what I see… Read more »

Increase Power and Data Quality with Advanced Genotyping and Imputation Methods

         July 30, 2010

Accuracy and completeness of genotype data are among the most important factors for a successful genome-wide association study (GWAS), and must not be taken lightly.  The Golden Helix team is always on the lookout for methods to improve data quality, and we have recently found the BEAGLE and BEAGLECALL software packages to be very useful in this regard.  BEAGLE is… Read more »

Rising Above Uncertainty; Increasing Clinical Yield in Array-Based Cytogenetics

         July 27, 2010

As Andy Ferrin and I drove the five-hour car ride home from a cytogenetics conference, we had a lot of time to reflect on the persistent themes we heard in presentations and dialog among conference attendees. Taking somewhat of an outsider view, we traced each complaint, each sigh of frustration, and the unverbalized assumptions behind opposing viewpoints, and they all… Read more »

Enhanced ROH Analysis Improves Effectiveness to Identify Rare, Penetrant Recessive Loci

         July 22, 2010

In the paper Runs of homozygosity reveal highly penetrant recessive loci in schizophrenia, Todd Lencz, Ph.D. introduced a new way of doing association testing using SNP microarray platforms. The method, which he termed “whole genome homozygosity association”, first identifies patterned clusters of SNPs demonstrating extended homozygosity (runs of homozygosity or “ROHs”) and then employs both genome-wide and regionally-specific statistical tests… Read more »