Search Results for: Report

The New Human Genome Reference and Clinical Grade Annotations: It’s All About the Coordinates

         February 17, 2014

On my flight back from this year’s Molecular Tri-Conference in San Francisco, I couldn’t help but ruminate over the intriguing talks, engaging round table discussions, and fabulous dinners with fellow speakers. And I kept returning to the topic of how we aggregate, share, and update data in the interest of understanding our genomes. Of course, there were many examples of… Read more »

“Intriguing Findings Are for Romance Novels”

         October 29, 2013

A report from the World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics Earlier this month, while much of the genetics community was scrambling to edit and print their posters for ASHG, I had the opportunity to attend WCPG, the World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics, in Boston.  This was my second trip to WCPG and it is becoming one of my favorite events to… Read more »

Comparing BEAGLE, IMPUTE2, and Minimac Imputation Methods for Accuracy, Computation Time, and Memory Usage

         July 17, 2013

Genotype imputation is a common and useful practice that allows GWAS researchers to analyze untyped SNPs without the cost of genotyping millions of additional SNPs. In the Services Department at Golden Helix, we often perform imputation on client data, and we have our own software preferences for a variety of reasons. However, other imputation software packages have their own advantages… Read more »

Why You Should Go To TCGC

         June 12, 2013

In a couple of short weeks, Gabe is headed off to TCGC in San Francisco where he will be giving part of a short course. He was super excited about it last year and is even more so this year. I sat down with him yesterday to find out why. Jessica: What’s TCGC? Gabe: Last year I got to attend… Read more »

The Murky Waters of Variant Nomenclature – You Could Be Missing Vital Information

         May 6, 2013

When researchers realized they needed a way to report genetic variants in scientific literature using a consistent format, the Human Genome Variation Society (HGVS) mutation nomenclature was developed and quickly became the standard method for describing sequence variations. Increasingly, HGVS nomenclature is being used to describe variants in genetic variant databases as well. There are some practical issues that researchers… Read more »

Population Structure + Genetic Background + Environment = Mixed Model

         March 22, 2013

A few months ago, our CEO, Christophe Lambert, directed me toward an interesting commentary published in Nature Reviews Genetics by authors Bjarni J. Vilhjalmsson and Magnus Nordborg.  Population structure is frequently cited as a major source of confounding in GWAS, but the authors of the article suggest that the problems often blamed on population structure actually result from the environment… Read more »

Follow Along on an Analyst’s Journey to Filter Whole Genome Data to Four Candidate Variants in SVS

         March 14, 2013

Last week Khanh-Nhat Tran-Viet, Manager/Research Analyst II at Duke University, presented the webcast: Insights: Identification of Candidate Variants using Exome Data in Ophthalmic Genetics. (That link has the recording if you are interested in viewing.) In it, Khanh-Nhat highlighted tools available in SVS that might be under used or were recently updated. These tools were used in his last three… Read more »

What Can Exomes Tell Us About the Pathology of Complex Disorders?

         February 26, 2013

My investigation into my wife’s rare autoimmune disease I recently got invited to speak at the plenary session of AGBT about my experience in receiving and interpreting my Direct to Consumer (DTC) exomes. I’ve touched on this before in my post discussing my own exome and a caution for clinical labs setting up a GATK pipeline based on buggy variants… Read more »

Is Illumina Aiming to Compete with its Customers?

         February 12, 2013

In a recent GenomeWeb article by Tony Fong, “Sequenom’s CEO ‘Puzzled’ by Illumina’s Buy of Verinata, Lays out 2013 Goals at JP Morgan,” Harry Hixson, Sequenom’s CEO, expresses puzzlement over why its major supplier, Illumina, is acquiring a Sequenom competitor in Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT), and thus apparently competing with one of its major customers. In a JP Morgan interview… Read more »

GATK is a Research Tool. Clinics Beware.

         December 3, 2012

In preparation for a webcast I’ll be giving on Wednesday on my own exome, I’ve been spending more time with variant callers and the myriad of false-positives one has to wade through to get to interesting, or potentially significant, variants. So recently, I was happy to see a message in my inbox from the 23andMe exome team saying they had… Read more »

To Find a Killer Variant: Successes and Challenges on the Journey to Mass Adoption of NGS in the Clinic

         October 22, 2012

Recently, I have been spending some time analyzing real patient data. I’m preparing for a webcast I’ll be giving in which I will walk through the process of replicating the findings of Dr. Gholson Lyon‘s study on the novel disease diagnosis he named Ogden Syndrome. Being so close to data that comes directly from clinical settings got me thinking about… Read more »

Streamlined Workflow for Identifying Candidate Functional Polymorphisms

         October 4, 2012

Since Dr. Ken Kaufman gave his webcast on Identifying Candidate Functional Polymorphisms in SVS, we’ve been working  with Dr. Kaufman to simplify and automate many of the steps in his workflow.  I touched on this in my last blog post, and I’m excited to report that with Ken’s help, we’ve been able to simplify the workflow even more. In particular… Read more »

Guest Post: Next Generation Variant Calling

         September 26, 2012

Editor’s Note by Gabe Rudy: I’ve had the chance to exchange thoughts, emails, and blog post comments for a while now with Jeff as he has written posts on NGS Leaders and engaged with me on 23andMe. He has also worked with Golden Helix software as part of Dr. Todd Lencz’s research efforts at Zucker Hillside Hospital until he recently… Read more »

Election Season: Which Exome Chip Wins?

         September 19, 2012

It has now been about a year since Illumina and Affymetrix announced their respective exome genotyping arrays.  Both products were launched with ambitious visions of how they would enable researchers to learn significantly more about the cause of human diseases. Sales of the Illumina chip exceeded expectations, and the company said that it sold enough exome chips through the first… Read more »

New Tools to Simplify the Workflow for Identifying Candidate Functional Polymorphisms in SVS

         September 5, 2012

Dr. Ken Kaufman’s extremely popular webinar inspired us to build new tools that would simplify the process of analyzing whole-exome DNA sequencing data even further.  First I’ll describe the tools showcased in the webcast.  Then I’ll detail the new tools we created to allow for a revised and simplified workflow. Subset Informative Genotypes by Category The Subset Informative Genotypes by… Read more »

Learning vs. Doing (or why that Ph.D. took 10 years)

         August 15, 2012

What prevents scientists from being more productive and if we knew, could we do anything about it? I’d like to look at an often overlooked, but huge productivity inhibitor — bad multitasking. Many people put “excellent multitasker” on their resume as a badge of honor. We laud the efficiency of a good multitasker — they are rarely idle — someone… Read more »

One Track to Rule Them All: Close but not quite from the 1000 Genomes Project

         July 31, 2012

I recently curated the latest population frequency catalog from the 1000 Genomes Project onto our annotation servers, and I had very high hopes for this track. First of all, I applaud 1000 Genomes for the amount of effort they have put in to providing the community with the largest set of high-quality whole genome controls available. My high hopes are… Read more »

My 23andMe Trio Exomes Arrived: Sneak Peek

         July 18, 2012

There is nothing cooler than having something arrive that you have been excitedly waiting for: last week I got an email notification that my 23andMe exome results were ready. Actually, I got 3 emails that my exome results were ready. You see, I lucked out. It all began two years ago on DNA day when Hacker News reported that 23andMe… Read more »

New Features in SVS: Accounting for Sex Chromosomes and Filter Columns by Variant Type

         February 29, 2012

In the last couple of weeks, the SVS Script Repository has seen a handful of new additions.  This blog post highlights three new scripts, but as always, we welcome you to check out our repository regularly to enjoy the new and exciting functionality made possible by our Python integration in SVS! (To get these, or any other scripts, simply go… Read more »

Admixture and Blaine Bettinger

         January 25, 2012

Allow me to introduce you to Blaine Bettinger.  Blaine is a patent attorney who holds a PhD in Biochemistry with a concentration in genetics.  He is also a family history enthusiast who writes the Genetic Genealogist blog, where he gives commentary on applications of genomic science for advancing personal and family history research.  I first learned about Blaine last May… Read more »