Search Results for: assessment catalogs

VSPipeline Best Practices

         June 17, 2021

VSPipeline is becoming a very popular tool among VarSeq users as it is essential for creating repeatable clinical workflows that can be executed in automated fashion. Since VSPipeline is a command-line tool, I think it would be helpful to discuss some of the best practices along with helpful tips for getting the most out of VSPipeline.   Some of you may be less familiar with VSPipeline, so I want to cover how to set up the first run along with sharing the helpful tips as they arise.  … Read more »

Using Gene Preferences in VarSeq and VSClinical

         April 20, 2021

With the latest release of VarSeq, we have made significant updates to our handling of the interaction of variants and genes. This includes the support for non-coding transcripts, improved splice site predictions, and updates to gene and transcript annotations. We received several questions regarding how decisions are made in the software regarding genes and transcripts with these gene-related changes. This… Read more »

Webcast Recap: Exploring New Features and Clinical Reports in the ACMG Guideline Workflow

         December 3, 2020
In-demo image of rare variants

Webcast Recap In the recent webcast “Exploring New Features and Clinical Reports in the ACMG Guideline Workflow”, Gabe and I took viewers through an evaluation with CNVs and SNVs according to the ACMG Guidelines where we generated and customized a clinical report. Along the way, we highlighted many new features that will soon be available in the upcoming VarSeq release…. Read more »

Webcast Follow-up: Evaluating CNVs with VSClinical’s New ACMG Guidelines

         November 19, 2020

In our previous webcast, Evaluating CNVs with VSClinical’s New ACMG Guidelines, we focused on a CNV deletion (12:27715515-29628122×1) in which the patient had a known disorder called Brachydactyly type E. The CNV was isolated using our VS-CNV caller and applied to the ACMG CNV guidelines using the intuitive steps of VSClinical. If you missed the webcast, you can watch the… Read more »

Golden Helix’s NGS-Solutions for Clinical Variant Analysis: VSWarehouse

         August 27, 2020
VSWarehouse Updates

We have now reached the final blog of the NGS-Solutions for Clinical Variant Analysis series. Part I of this series explored the capture of variant classifications in the VSClinical environment when following the ACMG and AMP guidelines. Part II was similar in content but for the capture of clinically relevant copy number variants as well as using a CNV catalog… Read more »

VarSeq 2.2.1 Release Notes

         April 10, 2020

VarSeq 2.2.1 was released on April 1st and features an upgraded gene annotation capability with new RefSeq genes tracks and an AMP workflow addition: the Drugs and Trials tab. The new RefSeq human genome genes tracks contain updated gene names and the recognition of any MANE (Matched Annotation from NCBI and EMBL-EBI) identified transcripts. VarSeq has been updated to be… Read more »

The New ACMG-Based Trio Tutorial

         April 3, 2020

Our Support Team curates a variety of tutorials to help orient new users to the capabilities of VarSeq. We are happy to announce the team’s new release of the trio tutorial that places emphasis on using the ACMG guidelines. This tutorial gives insight into the proper setup of pedigree structure as well as detailed descriptions of the filter containers and… Read more »

Reflecting on AMP 2019

         November 14, 2019

Our team has returned from the annual meeting of the Association of Molecular Pathology (AMP 2019), and, as always, I am grateful for all the wonderful experiences we are bringing back with us. The plenary sessions and talks were bountiful, and we were very impressed with the well-organized exhibition. Hats off to everyone involved in planning this great event! Innovation… Read more »

VSWarehouse Upgrade: Somatic Variant Analysis via VSClinical AMP Workflow

         October 25, 2019
VSWarehouse Updates

This month’s webcast delves into VSWarehouse with a focus on our new capability of storing somatic variant projects and catalogs built for the AMP Guidelines within VSClinical. If you didn’t have a chance to join us for the live event, please enjoy the video recording below. Previous webcasts have gone into great detail on the features and processing of somatic… Read more »

VarSeq 2.2.0 Release Notes

         October 23, 2019

VarSeq 2.2.0 was released today and this a stable release full of upgrades and polishes. Some of the newer features include the ability to store and include AMP Cancer assessment catalogs on VSWarehouse, quicker accessibility to common annotations plotted in GenomeBrowse, and the addition of all of our standard templates for the GRCh38 genome assembly. Many of the polishes were… Read more »

Automating & Standardizing Your NGS Workflow: Part IV

         September 10, 2019

We have covered a lot of ground in this Automating & Standardizing Your Workflows blog series. First, we saw how to perform secondary analysis with Sentieon to generate the necessary VCF and BAM files for tertiary analysis in Part I. The implementation of VSPipeline allowed for rapid import and project generation for a predefined cancer gene panel project template in… Read more »

Shared Data in VarSeq

         July 22, 2019

When using VarSeq; annotations, application settings, and assessment catalogs are all stored locally. Sometimes these resources can grow to large space grabbing directories, causing you to either purchase additional storage devices or getting rid of previously downloaded resources you might need down the road. But there’s hope! You can set where you want all of your data stored to be… Read more »

Automating Clinical Workflows: Part II

         April 11, 2019

In the previous blog post, we covered the automated steps to create a VarSeq project. Today we will examine the active analysis steps. These are the steps that require human interpretation to analyze the clinically relevant variants. A lab tech can take the first pass at the output in the generated VarSeq project. They can perform the quality control and… Read more »

VSClinical Best Practice Workflows: Part III

         November 20, 2018

This blog will conclude our VSClinical Best Practice Workflow series and focuses on one of our new reports: VSClinical ACMG Gene Panel Template. This template is valuable because it automatically enters your variant interpretation from the ACMG Guidelines into the report and eliminates the need for manual submission. I would like to explain how to properly implement this report into… Read more »

Accessing your VSWarehouse Browser

         October 23, 2018
VSWarehouse Updates

In the first two parts of this blog, we presented examples of how to leverage Warehouse-stored VSClinical and CNV assessment catalogs in the VarSeq project. Now we are going to explore the Warehouse interface a bit more and show how to query on stored variant data. To access Warehouse from VarSeq, click the V Connect icon located in the top… Read more »

VSClinical and VSWarehouse – Leveraging Consistent Clinical Interpretations

         October 22, 2018
VSWarehouse Updates

Part 1 of this blog series was focused on new capabilities in Warehouse to store your CNV results. We explored some approaches of how to utilize assessment catalogs of cohort and known pathogenic events. What makes Warehouse so useful in this application is that the catalog is accessed from one central location and ensures every user is leveraging the same… Read more »

Optimizing your CNV Analysis in VSWarehouse

         October 16, 2018
VSWarehouse Updates

We recently hosted a webcast covering the value and application of VSWarehouse through VarSeq. Not only is VSWarehouse a solution for storing your NGS data in a central repository, but it also provides a means to enhance the tertiary analysis done in VarSeq. VSWarehouse will store all your sample/variant data but also stores your catalogs of pathogenic variants, clinical reports, and has the capability of filtering/querying on all your stored data quickly. In addition,… Read more »

All of your VS-CNV annotation questions answered

         October 12, 2017
VS-CNV Annotations

This month we hosted two, incredible webcasts officially announcing the latest CNV annotation capabilities our Software Engineering Team has been hard at work on for the past couple of months. Our first webcast, Comprehensive Clinical Workflows for Copy Number Variants in VarSeq, was presented by Golden Helix’s VP of Product & Engineering, Gabe Rudy, who reviewed the expanded capabilities of… Read more »

Cancer Gene Panels Tutorial

         June 13, 2017
cancer gene panel tutorial

VarSeq enables breakthrough discoveries in cancer diagnostics by supporting gene panel testing and whole exome and genome analysis. We wanted to share our Cancer Gene Panel tutorial which covers a basic gene panel workflow with an emphasis on adding, modifying and manipulating filter chains. This tutorial will start with creating a new project from an empty project template, importing data, creating… Read more »

New Tutorial: VSWarehouse

         April 27, 2017
cancer gene panel tutorial

The new VSWarehouse Tutorial covers the basic VSWarehouse workflow.This tutorial focuses on connecting to a VSWarehouse instance from VarSeq, adding an existing VSWarehouse project as an annotation source and using reports and assessment catalogs hosted on VSWarehouse. This workflow requires an active VarSeq license with the VSWarehouse feature included. You can go to Discover VarSeq or email [email protected] to request an… Read more »