Search Results for: VSPipeline

Automated FASTQ to Reports with VarSeq Suite: A fast, flexible solution

         February 16, 2023
Automated FASTQ to Reports with VarSeq Suite

Discover the Thrilling Automation Capabilities of VarSeq Suite for NGS Testing and Learn How We’re Tackling Contemporary Lab Challenges First off, I’d like to thank everyone who joined us for our February webcast on the automation capabilities of the VarSeq software suite through VSPipeline. For those of you who joined us, I’m sure it’s obvious that automation is a topic… Read more »

VarSeq 2.3.0: A Comprehensive Look at the Revolutionary Cancer Genomic Profiling Solution’s New Features and Advancements

         January 18, 2023

Discover the latest advancements in cancer genomic profiling with the release of VarSeq 2.3.0 We are very excited to announce the release of VarSeq 2.3.0! This release was one of the largest VarSeq releases yet, as it includes a large refactor to the VSClinical AMP cancer module. A primary motivation for the release was focused on the availability and increased… Read more »

4 Essential Support Resources for Golden Helix Software Users

         January 5, 2023
4 Essential Support Resources for Golden Helix Customers BLOG Image

Golden Helix provides extensive resources to help our users who are just getting started and address any issues they may encounter as they become more familiar with our software. Our resources are constantly updated and are tailored to the needs of our users. If you’re facing a problem, it’s likely that others have encountered it as well, and we’ve included… Read more »

Webcast Recap: Somatic Variant Analysis in VarSeq 2.3.0

         December 22, 2022
Webcast Recap: Somatic Variant Analysis in VarSeq 2.3.0

Our FAS team would like to thank everyone who attended our December 2022 webcast, A User’s Perspective: Somatic Variant Analysis in VarSeq 2.3.0. This webcast allowed three members of our FAS team to give their unique insights concerning the improvements to our new VarSeq 2.3.0 release, which will be recapped here. Starting with template creation, our Technical Field Application Scientist,… Read more »

Heading to Phoenix, AZ for AMP 2022

         November 1, 2022

The Golden Helix team is headed off to Phoenix, AZ for the Association for Molecular Pathology Annual Meeting & Expo (AMP) 2022. We are enthusiastically awaiting a week of genetics discussions with new and familiar faces. If you are attending, please stop by our booth and say hello! We will be exhibiting at booth 1432. Golden Helix President & CEO,… Read more »

User Perspective For Somatic Analysis in VSClinical AMP: Webcast Q & A Follow-Up

         August 25, 2022
AMP Webcast Q&A

Thank you to those who attended our webcast on the user perspective of our automated AMP guidelines! Furthermore, let me express our appreciation for those particularly engaged users who posed some very thoughtful questions. While we weren’t able to answer all of them live, I hope to shed some light on some pertinent details of somatic analysis here. Let’s start… Read more »

FASTQ to Report: Streamlining the process with Golden Helix Software

         August 3, 2022

Manually converting FASTQs to VCFs, importing these into VarSeq, and building projects from scratch is adequate when you have only a handful of cases per week. But as you start ramping up production, the key to your lab’s success quickly becomes how quickly and efficiently you can get to the reporting of your analysis. This blog will explain how you… Read more »

Golden Helix’s Next-Gen Sequencing Data Analysis Solutions Explained

         June 22, 2021
VSClinical algorithm

Next-gen sequencing (NGS) comprises many sophisticated steps that are often compressed into three major sections: library prep, sequencing, and data analysis. Obviously, the goal is to simplify each of these steps, but more often than not, there is a need for multiple tools to complete each one. Regarding the data analysis, Golden Helix seeks to provide simple yet comprehensive solutions… Read more »

Harmonizing Next-Generation Sequencing Data: VarSeq Liftover Tool

         June 15, 2021

One of the inherent realities of next-generation sequencing is the ongoing updates to the human reference genome—one of the strongest recommendations to take the original sequencing data and remap to the latest genome assembly. However, there are several reasons why remapping may be impractical. So, an alternative solution is needed to convert the data running through an initial mapping to… Read more »

VarSeq 2.2.3 Released!

         April 27, 2021

I want to take this opportunity to highlight and briefly discuss some of the key features and updates that have been incorporated into VarSeq 2.2.3. Some of you may have attended the webcast that covered the prominent new features added to VarSeq, which are the updates to improve whole-exome analysis workflows, namely improved CNV calling in whole-exome datasets. However, there… Read more »

Webcast Recap: VSClinical: A Complete Clinical Workflow Solution

         January 15, 2021

Didn’t catch the webcast live? No worries! We cover ‘VSClinical: A Complete Clinical Workflow Solution’ Q&A’s in this blog post. The webcast, ‘VSClinical: A Complete Clinical Workflow Solution’ demonstrated how solutions provided by Golden Helix can be implemented to cover all requirements of a clinical workspace. Specifically, this webcast focused on a detailed workflow from a bioinformatician, geneticist, and lab… Read more »

Webcast Recap: Exploring New Features and Clinical Reports in the ACMG Guideline Workflow

         December 3, 2020
In-demo image of rare variants

Webcast Recap In the recent webcast “Exploring New Features and Clinical Reports in the ACMG Guideline Workflow”, Gabe and I took viewers through an evaluation with CNVs and SNVs according to the ACMG Guidelines where we generated and customized a clinical report. Along the way, we highlighted many new features that will soon be available in the upcoming VarSeq release…. Read more »

Golden Helix Releases Discounted Pricing for Select Packages

         May 12, 2020

Golden Helix has been committed to making sure our community has the tools and resources they need during this pandemic. We have developed several different assistance programs, such as our home office licenses for current users and our software discounts for COVID-19 related projects, to name a few. We have been approached by a number of labs not working with COVID-19… Read more »

VarSeq 2.2.1 Release Notes

         April 10, 2020

VarSeq 2.2.1 was released on April 1st and features an upgraded gene annotation capability with new RefSeq genes tracks and an AMP workflow addition: the Drugs and Trials tab. The new RefSeq human genome genes tracks contain updated gene names and the recognition of any MANE (Matched Annotation from NCBI and EMBL-EBI) identified transcripts. VarSeq has been updated to be… Read more »

Webcast Recap: Using Varseq Templates to Advance and Customize Variant Analysis

         April 9, 2020

Thank you to everyone who joined me for yesterday’s webcast, I hope you all enjoyed it. If you missed the live event and are interested in knowing what we talked about, good news, you can watch the recorded version right here! There were so many great questions asked during our Live Q&A that I was unable to answer all of… Read more »

Webcast Recap: Drugs & Trials for Cancer Diagnostics

         March 5, 2020

Introducing Drugs & Trials for Cancer Diagnostics VSClinical offers enormous simplicity and consistency in evaluating biomarkers and providing treatment options. Last month, we announced our newest feature to now include the automated collection of relevant clinical trials. The new capability was unveiled in our “Introducing Drugs & Trials for Cancer Diagnostics” webcast with Nathan Fortier, Ph.D., Director of Research, showing… Read more »

Cyber Security Strategies for NGS Testing Labs: Part IV

         February 13, 2020

Golden Helix is in a unique position to provide a secure on-premise analysis solution. This capability is based on two enablers. First, we build our software solutions from scratch and from the ground-up with the assumption that it should run on any operating system and potentially behind firewalls or even without internet access. Second, we provide these solutions on a licensing model based on training and supporting users, not… Read more »

Golden Helix’s End-to-End Architecture for Clinical Testing Labs

         December 19, 2019
Golden Helix's End-to-End Architecture

As clinical genetic tests have been adopted as a critical enabler of precision medicine, the number of tests offered by clinical labs and the volume of tested patients has grown by orders of magnitude in the past five years. The Gene Testing Registry, managed by the NIH, documented a rise from 13,000 to 60,000 tests offered in the US market… Read more »

Automating & Standardizing Your NGS Workflow: Part IV

         September 10, 2019

We have covered a lot of ground in this Automating & Standardizing Your Workflows blog series. First, we saw how to perform secondary analysis with Sentieon to generate the necessary VCF and BAM files for tertiary analysis in Part I. The implementation of VSPipeline allowed for rapid import and project generation for a predefined cancer gene panel project template in… Read more »

Automating & Standardizing Your NGS Workflow: Part III

         September 3, 2019

In our last part of this series, we showed how to run a pre-built workflow template via VSPipeline to automatically import and filter sample variants to streamline the search for clinically relevant variants. Now, we can deep-dive into our filtered, pathogenic variants to fully understand and capture their final classification and interpretation. Filtered Germline Variants for ACMG Guidelines The VSPipeline… Read more »