Search Results for: annotation

6 Population Catalogs Compared with the ExAC 61,486 Exomes

         November 13, 2014

To say the announcement of Dan MacArthur’s group’s release of the Exome Aggregation Consortium (ExAC) data was highly anticipated at ASHG 2014 would be an understatement. Basically, there were two types of talks at ASHG. Those that proceeded the official ExAC release talk and referred to it, and those that followed the talk and referred to it. Why is this… Read more »

Don’t miss the VarSeq user experience webcast tomorrow!

         November 4, 2014

We are shortly approaching the public launch (November 5th!) of our first clinical product, VarSeq. We could not have predicted how well the market would accept VarSeq – but we couldn’t be happier! For those of you who have not yet seen our newest product in action, I invite you to register for tomorrow’s webcast: The Golden Helix VarSeq User Experience.

New Plugin for Ion Torrent Server

         October 21, 2014

Golden Helix is proud to announce the release of the Golden Helix GenomeBrowse Plugin for Ion Torrent server. The new plug-in enables adding selected BAM files from Torrent Server reports directly into GenomeBrowse. The BAM files remain on the torrent server and are streamed from the server on demand using your credentials. This feature allows GenomeBrowse users to visualize genomic… Read more »

ASHG Happenings

         October 8, 2014

It’s that time of year again. The mornings are chilly, the leaves are falling, and ASHG is right around the corner. This year will mark my very first ASHG and I am really looking forward to meeting some of the Golden Helix community! The team has been hard at work preparing for a great conference and I wanted to give you… Read more »

VarSeq: Making Variant Discovery and Gene Panels Easy

         September 29, 2014

Last week, our CEO Andreas Scherer announced our entrance into the clinical testing market with VarSeq. This week, I will be giving a webcast on Wednesday introducing this new tool and demonstrating its capabilities. (Register for the webcast) VarSeq’s focused purpose is making NGS gene testing and variant discovery efficient, scalable and accessible to users with a broad range of backgrounds and specialties. In this blog post, we will examine the use cases that VarSeq supports in more detail,… Read more »

Updates to ClinVar and dbSNPs: Fresh charts for Cromonaughts!

         August 28, 2014

I’m sitting in the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum basking in the incredible product of human innovation and the hard work of countless engineers. My volunteer tour guide started us off at the Wright brother’s fliers and made a point of saying it was only 65 years from lift off at Kitty Hawk to the landing of a man on the moon…. Read more »

RefSeq Genes: Updated to NCBI Provided Alignments and Why You Care

         August 14, 2014

You probably haven’t spent much time thinking about how we represent genes in a genomic reference sequence context. And by genes, I really mean transcripts since genes are just a collection of transcripts that produce the same product. But in fact, there is more complexity here than you ever really wanted to know about. Andrew Jesaitis covered some of this… Read more »

SVS 8.2 – New Capabilities and Features

         August 7, 2014

Earlier this year we completed the marriage of SVS and GenomeBrowse. When we released Version 8 of SVS we completed a major engineering task. A lot of things under the hood of both products had been changed to create a seamless experience for our users. The new and improved SVS platform is based on a technology stack that allows us… Read more »

Have you ever had a bad experience with a VCF file?

         August 5, 2014

“Who has ever had a bad experience with a VCF file?” I like to ask that question to the audience when I present data analysis workshops for Golden Helix. The question invariably draws laughter as many people raise their hands in the affirmative. It seems that just about everybody who has ever worked VCF files has encountered some sort of… Read more »

New MM-KBAC Method Explained

         July 29, 2014

Last month, June 2014, we announced a new method that Golden Helix developed–the soon to be available MM-KBAC. MM-KBAC, or Mixed Model Kernel Based Adaptive Clustering combines the KBAC method developed by Lui and Leal (2010) with a random effects matrix to adjust for relationships between samples. The KBAC algorithm takes a binary dependent variable and transformations are used to convert… Read more »

The added value of GenomeBrowse

         July 17, 2014

We released GenomeBrowse 2.0 earlier this year, allowing users to review all types of genomic data. Since then, it has received rave reviews from thousands of users around the world. Essentially, it’s the Google Earth app for genomic data. GenomeBrowse allows a user to sift through vast amounts of genomic data, and make it easy to focus on a single part… Read more »

GenomeBrowse 2.0 Is Here!

         April 21, 2014

The developers at Golden Helix have raised the bar again with the release of GenomeBrowe 2.0. About a year and a half after the initial release, Golden Helix has expanded the functionality of GenomeBrowse to fulfill feature requests from both fundamental research investigators and translational scientists who require a visualization tool to gain key insight into their results. The Golden… Read more »

A Transcription Factor for GenomeBrowse: Using Evernote to enable sharing genomic analysis

         April 15, 2014

Science is a collaborative endeavor. Rarely is it in isolation that new discovery takes place. Unfortunately, using a computer to perform analysis is almost always a solitary activity. Sharing what you have found with members of your team often means squeezing around a small 13” glowing rectangle. While looking at the same screen has its place, being able to save… Read more »

Fun in the Sun – Headed to Tri-Con and AGBT next week

         February 5, 2014 currently says it feels like -24 degrees outside (yes, that’s negative) here in Bozeman, Montana. Which is why I’m more than a little jealous of Gabe Rudy and Andreas Scherer who get to go to San Francisco and Marco Island next week, respectively, where the weather is little more… well, let’s say… reasonable. Andreas will be headed to Marco… Read more »

All I Want for Christmas Is a New File Format for Genomics

         December 16, 2013

Tis the season of quiet, productive hours. I’ve been spending a lot of mine thinking about file formats. Actually, I’ve been spending mine implementing a new one, but more on that later. File formats are amazingly important in big data science. In genomics, it is hard not to be awed by how successful the BAM file format is. I thought… Read more »

SVS Workflow Automation Webcast: Your Questions Answered

         September 20, 2013

Last week, we presented a webcast on Workflow Automation in SVS. If you were unable to attend, a recording of it is on our website: In this post I’ll respond to some of the questions we were unable to answer within the allotted time. Will you provide a link for the software used in the webcast? I used Golden… Read more »

Upcoming Webcast – Exploring DNA/RNA-Seq Analysis Results with Golden Helix GenomeBrowse and SVS

         July 12, 2013

Presenter: Dr. Bryce Christensen, Statistical Geneticist Date: July 24, 2013 Duration: 60 Minutes Abstract Golden Helix GenomeBrowse™, a free visualization tool for all types of sequence data, was introduced in 2012 to broad acclaim. Researchers using GenomeBrowse discovered a product far beyond the status quo with seamless navigation of sequence alignments and other genomic data using a fluid, fast, and… Read more »

Follow Along on an Analyst’s Journey to Filter Whole Genome Data to Four Candidate Variants in SVS

         March 14, 2013

Last week Khanh-Nhat Tran-Viet, Manager/Research Analyst II at Duke University, presented the webcast: Insights: Identification of Candidate Variants using Exome Data in Ophthalmic Genetics. (That link has the recording if you are interested in viewing.) In it, Khanh-Nhat highlighted tools available in SVS that might be under used or were recently updated. These tools were used in his last three… Read more »

What Can Exomes Tell Us About the Pathology of Complex Disorders?

         February 26, 2013

My investigation into my wife’s rare autoimmune disease I recently got invited to speak at the plenary session of AGBT about my experience in receiving and interpreting my Direct to Consumer (DTC) exomes. I’ve touched on this before in my post discussing my own exome and a caution for clinical labs setting up a GATK pipeline based on buggy variants… Read more »