Search Results for: Report

Clinical Workflows Webcast Q&A

         July 13, 2017
Workflows in VarSeq

In case you missed our live event yesterday, I wanted to share the Q&A session and a link to the webcast recording: An Exploration of Clinical Workflows in VarSeq. Question:You mentioned saving projects as templates, will it save GenomeBrowse plots in the project template or do you have to replot the data when opening the software? Answer: Yes, if you save your… Read more »

Webcast: An Exploration of Clinical Workflows in VarSeq

         June 29, 2017

Our July webcast presentation will be focused on clinical workflows in VarSeq. We wanted to share the full details with you and hope you are able to attend! Wednesday, July 12th 12:00 PM EST This month’s webcast is a VarSeq exploration, featuring several example workflows and helpful features in VarSeq that can be used in the clinic. We will discuss… Read more »

Understanding Your GWAS Signal with LD Scores

         June 27, 2017
Genome-Wide Association Studies

When studying complex diseases that may have multi-genic contributions from across the genome, it is not uncommon to see what may appear like elevated correlation between your trait or other test variable and the SNPs across the genome. The problem is at first glance you won’t be able to tell if this is due to a population structure in your… Read more »

CNV Caller Updates and More with VarSeq 1.4.5

         June 22, 2017
Genotype Imputation

We have been heads down doing the detailed and careful work to improve our CNV caller algorithm in the past three months since our we launched our Exome capable CNV caller and are very excited about the massive step forward we have made with the VarSeq 1.4.5 release. Additionally, we have added the all new Whole Genome large-event caller capable… Read more »

Golden Helix, Inc. – Your Annotation Curation Station

         June 15, 2017

The current reduced cost and increase availability of genome sequencing has been making academics, clinicians and individuals alike excited with the possibility of increased research depth, diagnosing capability and personal curiosity. And although a freshly sequenced genome is chock-full of tasty letter snippets, the real revelation and education occurs when comparing to an annotation foundation. In this post, I’ll review… Read more »

Cancer Gene Panels Tutorial

         June 13, 2017
cancer gene panel tutorial

VarSeq enables breakthrough discoveries in cancer diagnostics by supporting gene panel testing and whole exome and genome analysis. We wanted to share our Cancer Gene Panel tutorial which covers a basic gene panel workflow with an emphasis on adding, modifying and manipulating filter chains. This tutorial will start with creating a new project from an empty project template, importing data, creating… Read more »

Webcast: Golden Helix’s End-to-End Solution for Clinical Labs

         May 25, 2017
User's Perspective

We are ending the first half of the year with a webcast featuring our entire clinical software stack: Golden Helix’s End-to-End Solution for Clinical Labs. This webcast is scheduled for Wednesday, June 7th at noon EST, and it’s not one you’ll want to miss! Here are the full details: Wednesday, June 7th 12:00 pm EST In this webcast we will provide an… Read more »

ESHG 2017 – Heading to Copenhagen!

         May 22, 2017
ESHG 2017

In just a few days, Golden Helix will arrive in Copenhagen, Denmark to attend the 2017 European Society of Human Genetics Conference (ESHG). We are excited to be returning to ESHG for the second year in a row! It’s always a pleasure to see our European customers and meet some new faces in the community. This year the Golden Helix team will be… Read more »

New Tutorial: VSWarehouse

         April 27, 2017
cancer gene panel tutorial

The new VSWarehouse Tutorial covers the basic VSWarehouse workflow.This tutorial focuses on connecting to a VSWarehouse instance from VarSeq, adding an existing VSWarehouse project as an annotation source and using reports and assessment catalogs hosted on VSWarehouse. This workflow requires an active VarSeq license with the VSWarehouse feature included. You can go to Discover VarSeq or email [email protected] to request an… Read more »

CNV User Perspective Webcast Q&A

         April 20, 2017
CNV User

Nathan Fortier’s webcast yesterday, CNV Analysis in VarSeq – A User’s Perspective, was an excellent demonstration of our CNV capabilites, so check it out here if you missed it. There were a number of questions asked in the live event, so in today’s blog post I wanted to recap the Q&A session. Question: Do the reference samples have to be from the… Read more »

Identifying genetic variants associated with rare Mendelian Diseases

         April 18, 2017
genetic variants

We are pleased to announce our next webcast, Identifying genetic variants associated with rare Mendelian Diseases. The live event is is scheduled for Wednesday, May 3rd at noon EST. Here are the specifics: Wednesday, May 3rd 12:00 pm EST Dr. Jingga Inlora is a postdoctoral fellow in the Snyder lab at Stanford University. In this webcast, Inlora will present on… Read more »

CNV Analysis in VarSeq – A User’s Perspective

         April 6, 2017
User's Perspective

We are pleased to announce our next webcast, CNV Analysis in VarSeq – A User’s Perspective. The live event is is scheduled for Wednesday, April 19th at noon EST. Here are the specifics: Wednesday, April 19th 12:00 pm EST Clinical labs must have the ability to go from a collection of samples to a professional report documenting a short list… Read more »

Updating VarSeq’s Transcript Annotation along with NCBI RefSeq Genes Interim Release

         March 30, 2017
transcription annotation

It may be possible to say that annotating a variant correctly and accurately against gene transcripts is the most important job of a variant annotation and interpretation tool. We take it very seriously at Golden Helix as we support VarSeq and its use by our customers in both research and clinical contexts. It has been a source of frustration that… Read more »

WES Research at Stanford University

         March 23, 2017

Join our upcoming webcast : Wednesday, April 5th 12:00 pm EST Dr. Reza Sailani is a Research Fellow in the Genetics department at Stanford University. To provide an overview of his research, Sailani will present on the following two recent studies he has conducted: Association of AHSG with alopecia and mental retardation (APMR) syndrome: Alopecia with mental retardation syndrome (APMR) is… Read more »

PreventionGenetics adopts Golden Helix CNV analysis

         March 21, 2017
Partnership with Sentieon

Today, I am happy to announce the introduction of VS-CNV for Gene Panels and Exomes. We have developed this capability in partnership with PreventionGenetics. PreventionGenetics will use VarSeq CNV for analysis of gene panels, and in the future for exome sequencing. The software gives PreventionGenetics the opportunity to conduct a comprehensive CNV analysis on NGS data, in many cases eliminating the need… Read more »

We’re heading to Phoenix for ACMG 2017

         March 16, 2017
ACMG 2017

ACMG 2017 is just around the corner! We are halfway through March already and it’s just about time to head off to sunny and warm Phoenix, Arizona. While the temps have been mostly mild for the last few weeks in Montana, I bet those of you in the northeast are looking forward to your time in Phoenix! You will find… Read more »

CNV exome analysis coming to VarSeq!

         March 14, 2017
CNV Exome Analysis

VarSeq will soon provide CNV exome analysis! In our webcast last week, we announced that we took our CNV caller, VS-CNV, to the next level. Along with the ability to call CNVs at the single-exon level in NGS gene panels, VarSeq can soon be used to call large loss of heterozygosity (LOH) and  CNV events at the exome level. The combination… Read more »

Paying Attention to the Quality Fields in ExAC: A Case Study

         March 7, 2017

In the past couple of weeks, the topic of the Filter and Quality fields in the popular ExAC population catalog has come up a number of times. It turns out that unlike the 1000 Genomes project, which decided to very heavily filter their variant list to only contain variants they consider high quality, ExAC chose to include more dubious variants… Read more »

NGS-Based Clinical Testing eBook

         February 16, 2017

This generation of scientists, clinicians and bioinformaticians have already elevated the standards for diagnosis, prediction and care, ultimately improving patient outcome for millions of people by leveraging genomic information. This trend is only going to continue. Next-gen sequencing has made its way into the clinic. Golden Helix supports the adoption of Precision Medicine by building products, such as our VarSeq… Read more »