Search Results for: Cancer

Golden Helix and Fluxion Biosciences Join in a Global, Value-Added Reseller Agreement

         February 16, 2015

Today, Golden Helix and Fluxion Biosciences announced a collaboration in a value-added reseller relationship. The relationship will bring the VarSeq software application to Fluxion’s global client base providing them with a method to study tumor DNA in the circulation. Fluxion is proud to offer the capability as it helps move them toward their goal of offering a complete sample-to-answer workflow for… Read more »

Tri-Con 2015 – just 5 days away!

         February 10, 2015

In just 5 days, the 22nd International Molecular Medicine Tri-Conference (Tri-Con) will kick off in San Francisco. This year, Tri-Con will offer over 3,000 attendees 6 symposia, over 20 short courses, and 17 conference programs focused on drug discovery, genomics, diagnostics, and information technology surrounding, molecular medicine. Both Dr. Andreas Scherer, CEO of Golden Helix and Gabe Rudy, our Vice President of… Read more »

Our customers’ success

         February 3, 2015

With January officially in the bag, 2015 is off to a great start, especially for some of our customers who have recently published. I wanted to take a minute to share them with you. Sander van der Laan at University Medical Center Utrecht, published Variants in ALOX5, ALOX5AP and LTA4H are not associated with atherosclerotic plaque phenotypes: The Athero-Express Genomics Study which assessed the impact of common variants… Read more »

New and Updated Annotation Tracks Now Available!

         January 29, 2015

In recent months we have been updating our public annotation library to include the most recent versions of existing sources, as well as include new sources. All of these annotation sources are compatible with our three major products, VarSeq, SVS, and GenomeBrowse, and can be used for visualization, annotation, and filtering. dbNSFP NS Functional Predictions 2.8, GHI and dbNSFP Predictions… Read more »

Dr. Andreas Scherer to speak at ITI 2015

         January 15, 2015

The Integrative Therapies Institute is soon hosting the annual, ITI 2015 conference January 23rd through the 25th in sunny San Diego and our own Dr. Andreas Scherer has been invited to speak. Some of the most prominent genomic and integrative medicine specialists will gather at ITI 2015 to share case studies and protocols with the community. Attendees can expect to… Read more »

In Pursuit of Longevity: Analyzing the Supercentenarian Whole Genomes with VarSeq

         January 13, 2015

If you haven’t been closely watching the twittersphere or other headline sources of the genetics community, you may have missed the recent chatter about the whole genome sequencing of 17 supercentenarians (people who live beyond 110 years). While genetics only explains 20-30% of the longevity of those with average life-spans, it turns out there is a number of good reasons… Read more »

6 Population Catalogs Compared with the ExAC 61,486 Exomes

         November 13, 2014

To say the announcement of Dan MacArthur’s group’s release of the Exome Aggregation Consortium (ExAC) data was highly anticipated at ASHG 2014 would be an understatement. Basically, there were two types of talks at ASHG. Those that proceeded the official ExAC release talk and referred to it, and those that followed the talk and referred to it. Why is this… Read more »

A little known fact about Box Plots

         October 16, 2014

A helpful tool that is included in SVS, but many of our customers may not know about, is the ability to create Box Plots or box-and-whisker plots. These are effective visualizations for comparing groups of numerical data through the data quartiles. I’ll take you through a couple different cases with examples.

VarSeq: Making Variant Discovery and Gene Panels Easy

         September 29, 2014

Last week, our CEO Andreas Scherer announced our entrance into the clinical testing market with VarSeq. This week, I will be giving a webcast on Wednesday introducing this new tool and demonstrating its capabilities. (Register for the webcast) VarSeq’s focused purpose is making NGS gene testing and variant discovery efficient, scalable and accessible to users with a broad range of backgrounds and specialties. In this blog post, we will examine the use cases that VarSeq supports in more detail,… Read more »

Entering the Clinical Testing Market with VarSeq

         September 25, 2014

The adoption of genetic services is key to our ability to provide personalized medicine in the future. The goal is to better diagnose diseases, predict their outcomes, and to choose the best possible care option for a patient. Our part here at Golden Helix is to essentially build the equivalent of an MRI for the genome. In this process the latest… Read more »

A few thoughts from IGES

         September 18, 2014

Late last month I had the opportunity to attend one of my favorite events: the annual meeting of the International Genetic Epidemiology Society (IGES).  This year’s conference was held in Vienna, in conjunction with the Genetic Analysis Workshop (GAW) and the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ICBS).  The program at IGES this year was very diverse, with content ranging from… Read more »

Have you ever had a bad experience with a VCF file?

         August 5, 2014

“Who has ever had a bad experience with a VCF file?” I like to ask that question to the audience when I present data analysis workshops for Golden Helix. The question invariably draws laughter as many people raise their hands in the affirmative. It seems that just about everybody who has ever worked VCF files has encountered some sort of… Read more »

ASHG is here once again!

         October 18, 2013

Hey everyone! It’s time once again for the illustrious ASHG – this year in Boston, MA. We are very excited to get to see all of our colleagues and friends and hear about what you’ve been up to. This year we will have six in-booth (#618) demonstrations by Gabe Rudy, VP of Product Development, showcasing SVS 8.0: Identifying Candidate Functional… Read more »

Upcoming Webcast – Exploring DNA/RNA-Seq Analysis Results with Golden Helix GenomeBrowse and SVS

         July 12, 2013

Presenter: Dr. Bryce Christensen, Statistical Geneticist Date: July 24, 2013 Duration: 60 Minutes Abstract Golden Helix GenomeBrowse™, a free visualization tool for all types of sequence data, was introduced in 2012 to broad acclaim. Researchers using GenomeBrowse discovered a product far beyond the status quo with seamless navigation of sequence alignments and other genomic data using a fluid, fast, and… Read more »

Vanessa Hayes, PhD and Desiree Petersen, PhD Use Population Genetics to Dig into Mankind’s Roots

         June 26, 2013

Humans are said to have a 0.1% rate of diversity, seemingly small, but actually quite significant when considering the future of personalized medicine. Gaining a deeper understanding of this genetic variance can help determine susceptibility to disease as well as medicinal response and outcomes. One-third of human genetic diversity can be found in a likely contender for the birthplace of… Read more »

Upcoming Webcast: 23andMe Variant Analysis of My Personal Exome

         November 28, 2012

Join me on December 5th for a one-hour webcast as I explore my personal exome provided by the Exome Pilot project of 23andMe. Exome sequencing has seen many success stories in the realm of diagnosing highly penetrant monogenic disorders as well as in informing treatment of certain cancers. As the use of exome sequencing expands to more complex polygenic disorders… Read more »

My 23andMe Trio Exomes Arrived: Sneak Peek

         July 18, 2012

There is nothing cooler than having something arrive that you have been excitedly waiting for: last week I got an email notification that my 23andMe exome results were ready. Actually, I got 3 emails that my exome results were ready. You see, I lucked out. It all began two years ago on DNA day when Hacker News reported that 23andMe… Read more »