Search Results for: CNV

Top 10 Analytics Solution Providers – Pharma Tech Outlook

         May 15, 2018
Top 10

We are incredibly honored to be recognized as one of the Top 10 Analytics Solution Providers of 2018 by Pharma Tech Outlook. “Through innovative products, Golden Helix has been simplifying the clinical workflows and genomic testing for numerous labs. For instance, Prevention Genetics, a clinical testing laboratory offering genetic and DNA banking services with the largest menu of gene sequencing… Read more »

Clinical Variant Interpretation: Part IV

         April 24, 2018
VSClinical algorithm

In the last installment of this series, I covered the basics of variant interpretation and how it fits into the genomic testing process. Now we can cover in more detail how VSClinical works, what algorithms and annotation sources power the recommendations and how the ACMG criteria are organized into useful categories. VSClinical is built to make the process of evaluating… Read more »

Clinical Variant Interpretation: Part III

         April 19, 2018
VCF file format

Yesterday we launched VSClincial with our first webcast in what will be a series about this powerful new way to perform variant interpretation following the ACMG guidelines. In this post, I wanted to cover the motivation for VSClinical and how we curated and presented the 33 criteria from the ACMG Guidelines into an intuitive workflow with various bioinformatic evidence and… Read more »

See you at ACMG 2018

         April 9, 2018

We’re looking forward to seeing you all at the ACMG 2018. This year the Golden Helix Team will be represented by President & CEO, Andreas Scherer, Senior Product Engineer, Nathan Fortier, and myself, Marketing Manager, Delaina Hawkins. Make sure to stop by and say hello! You can find Golden Helix in booth #1306: We’ve put together a series of quick, in-booth demos… Read more »

Small-Lab VarSeq PowerPack

         March 6, 2018
VarSeq PowerPack

Ready to take your analysis to the next level? Our Small-Lab VarSeq PowerPack enables users to move their analysis from FASTQ to clinical reporting through one streamlined pipeline. Here’s what’s included: VarSeq VarSeq is an intuitive, integrated software solution for tertiary analysis. With VarSeq you can automate your workflows and analyze variants for gene panels, exomes, and whole genomes. VS-CNV… Read more »

Third-Place Abstract Competition Winner

         February 22, 2018

I would like to congratulate our third and final winner of the 2017-18 Abstract Competition, Suxu Tan, a current PhD Student at Auburn University. Our first and second place winners, Michael Iacocca and Nicole Weaver, performed their research using VarSeq. Suxu, however, used SVS to conduct the research in his paper ‘GWAS analysis of QTL for resistance against Edwardsiella ictaluri in… Read more »

Second-Place Abstract Competition Winner

         February 20, 2018

I hope you were able to join us for last week’s webcast where we invited first-place abstract competition winner Michael Iacocca to present on his submission “Using NGS to detect CNVs in familial hypercholesterolemia”. Today, I’d like to announce our second-place winner, Nicole Weaver, Clinical Geneticist at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Nicole adopted VarSeq into her research pipeline in 2015 and… Read more »

How we’re curating OMIM: It’s not as easy as you think

         February 13, 2018

Relating human phenotypes to genotypes is the name of the game with OMIM, and as their website says, “is intended for use primarily by physicians and other professionals concerned with genetic disorders, by genetics researchers, and by advanced students in science and medicine.” The Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (or OMIM) was originally created by Dr. Victor A. McKusick in… Read more »

1st Place Abstract Competition Winner

         February 6, 2018
CNV calling - Abstract Winner

Our abstract competition is one of my favorite events because of the learning opportunity it provides our team. Each applicant’s submission tells us a unique story about how our software is helping users conduct their research. This year’s competition didn’t disappoint bringing a new round of fascinating studies to our attention. However, with all these great abstracts came the difficult… Read more »

10 Most Innovative Pharma and Life Sciences Solutions Providers 2018

         January 29, 2018

Awarded one of the top biotech companies Insight Success recently published its annual Pharma and Life Special Edition announcing the 10 most innovative solution providers of 2018. We are incredibly honored to have received this award and being recognized amongst the top biotech companies! You can access the publication featuring my interview with the editor here: I have outlined some… Read more »

Top Webcasts of 2017

         January 9, 2018

2017 was an incredibly prosperous year for Golden Helix; we released a handful of new features, announced new partnerships and completed our end-to-end architecture for clinical testing labs. Our webcast series has become a very popular way for our community to stay up-to-date with our new capabilities and best practices in genetic analysis using our software. We had three webcast… Read more »

What to expect from Golden Helix in 2018

         January 2, 2018

First of all, I wish you a prosperous 2018 along with happiness and health for you and your loved ones. This next year comes with lots of anticipation. We at Golden Helix are looking forward to another year of growth and innovation. Over the last few years, we were able to build a large following of clients in the clinical space…. Read more »

On our way to PAG 2018

         January 2, 2018

There’s nothing better than starting the New Year off with a great genetics conference in San Diego, CA… We’re looking forward to seeing you all at the Plant & Animal Genome Conference XXVI (PAG 2018)! This year the Golden Helix Team will be represented by Field Application Scientist, Darby Kammeraad, and myself, Content Marketing Manager, Delaina Hawkins. Make sure to… Read more »

The Clinical Utility of the 1000 Genomes Variant Frequencies

         December 19, 2017

We have a lot to thank the 1000 Genomes project for in the genomics community. By the collaborate efforts of many researchers and organizations, the project produced not only the first catalog of rare human variation but in the process standardized many things we take for granted, such as the VCF and BAM file formats. The variant frequencies of the… Read more »

New and Updated Annotations

         December 7, 2017
Genotype Imputation

Golden Helix is excited to announce a new round of novel and updated annotations; including a frequency track, a region track, and a gene track. All three of these tracks were created with the use of VarSeq and its Convert Wizard functionality. First, the expansive 1000 genomes track (1kG) has been updated to include sub-population allele frequencies and heterozygous and… Read more »

2017-18 Abstract Competition Has Begun!

         December 5, 2017
Call for Abstracts

Golden Helix strives to enable precision medicine by developing powerful software to support researchers with complex analysis. One of my favorite events of the year is our abstract competition. This competition allows us to help our community by recognizing innovative ways to conduct a genomic analysis. I am pleased to announce that our 2017-18 Abstract Competition has officially begun! We would… Read more »

VSWarehouse Updates with the Power of VarSeq 1.4.7

         November 30, 2017
VSWarehouse Updates

With the recent release of VarSeq 1.4.7, we have expanded the concepts of our popular assessment catalog to include CNV and other region-based records and not just variants. To match these capabilities, we have made a major update to VSWarehouse that supports these new record types in the centrally hosted and versioned Catalogs and Reports. Review of the VSWarehouse Genomic… Read more »

Reflecting on ASHG 2017

         October 26, 2017
ASHG 2017

We’ve returned from another successful year at ASHG and had an incredible time. I find the conference to be a terrific opportunity to connect with our customers, partners, and friends in the industry. This year’s Presidential Symposium was a true delight featuring a discussion of global health and genomics between two absolute legends in the health and science world: Bill Gates,… Read more »

Annotation Education Series: Frequency, Functional Prediction, and Gene Annotations

         October 26, 2017
VarSeq annotations

In our final chapter of this variant annotation blog series, we will discuss additional annotations that provide powerful variant filtering and analysis capability. Golden Helix curates many annotations in a way that allows for simple analysis and saves the users the hassle of all this data management. Whether you are trying to capture rare variants known across multiple subpopulations in… Read more »