Search Results for: CNV

Automating Clinical Workflows: Part II

         April 11, 2019

In the previous blog post, we covered the automated steps to create a VarSeq project. Today we will examine the active analysis steps. These are the steps that require human interpretation to analyze the clinically relevant variants. A lab tech can take the first pass at the output in the generated VarSeq project. They can perform the quality control and… Read more »

Automating Clinical Workflows: Part I

         April 3, 2019

Automating a clinical workflow creates a stable and repeatable clinical analysis. Automation reduces the potential to introduce human error, helps in regulatory compliance, and improves the precision of the clinical results. It is important to know that if you run a sample through your clinical pipeline, you are going to get the same results today as you will in 6… Read more »

2019 Abstract Competition Winners

         February 25, 2019
Call for Abstracts

We would like to thank everyone who entered our 2019 Abstract Competition. This event is an excellent opportunity for our team to hear the unique ways Golden Helix software is being applied around the world. We had a number of remarkable entries this year which made our selection process a daunting one, indeed. It is my pleasure to announce this… Read more »

Secondary Analysis 3.0 – New Version Release

         January 7, 2019

We have released a new version of my eBook, “Secondary Analysis 3.0”. To download a complimentary copy, I encourage you to do so here. Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) promises to be the ultimate paradigm when it comes to genetic research and clinical testing since it contains the complete genetic information. When it comes to the current reality in testing labs, there… Read more »

SVS 8.8.3 Release

         November 26, 2018
gene ranking

The SVS 8.8.3 release was created to incorporate some of the CNV, genome assembly control, and splice site capabilities that are present in VarSeq, as well as clean up and streamline the GWAS workflows (like when using Mixed Linear Model algorithms) for a better user experience. New Product Add-Ons for SVS GoldenHelix SVS now includes in-silico splice site, functional prediction… Read more »

VSClinical Best Practice Workflows: Part III

         November 20, 2018

This blog will conclude our VSClinical Best Practice Workflow series and focuses on one of our new reports: VSClinical ACMG Gene Panel Template. This template is valuable because it automatically enters your variant interpretation from the ACMG Guidelines into the report and eliminates the need for manual submission. I would like to explain how to properly implement this report into… Read more »

Great Time at AMP 2018

         November 6, 2018

We just got back from three busy days at the Molecular Pathology (AMP) conference in friendly San Antonio, Texas. Keeping up the Golden Helix conference momentum for the year, we had 3-4 in-booth demonstrations a day covering our CNV calling, variant interpretation, and data warehousing products for NGS-based genetic tests. And in short, NGS based tests for cancer and germline… Read more »

VarSeq Stable 2.1.0 Release Notes

         October 31, 2018
VSClinical algorithm

VarSeq Stable 2.1.0 is Ready for Clinical Validation, See it in Action Next Week This week we are happy to see the general availability of VarSeq 2.1, the culmination of the last five months of work since we launched VSClinical. We have been blown away by the adoption of VSClinical, outpacing any previous product launch in terms of the pace… Read more »

We’re Headed to AMP 2018!

         October 30, 2018

We’ve packed our bags and we’re off to The Lone Star State to take part in the Association for Molecular Pathology Annual Meeting and Expo (AMP 2018)! As first-time attendees, we’re looking forward to integrating ourselves in the AMP community and showcasing our clinical stack, including VSClinical released earlier this year. Come on over and introduce yourself, you’ll find us… Read more »

Accessing your VSWarehouse Browser

         October 23, 2018
VSWarehouse Updates

In the first two parts of this blog, we presented examples of how to leverage Warehouse-stored VSClinical and CNV assessment catalogs in the VarSeq project. Now we are going to explore the Warehouse interface a bit more and show how to query on stored variant data. To access Warehouse from VarSeq, click the V Connect icon located in the top… Read more »

VSClinical and VSWarehouse – Leveraging Consistent Clinical Interpretations

         October 22, 2018
VSWarehouse Updates

Part 1 of this blog series was focused on new capabilities in Warehouse to store your CNV results. We explored some approaches of how to utilize assessment catalogs of cohort and known pathogenic events. What makes Warehouse so useful in this application is that the catalog is accessed from one central location and ensures every user is leveraging the same… Read more »

Storing your Copy Number Variant & ACMG Results in VSWarehouse – Webcast Q&A

         October 11, 2018

This webcast generated some great questions! If you have any other questions for me that are not answered below, please feel free to ask those by emailing [email protected]. To what level does the Warehouse scale? We have tested multiple instances of Warehouse in-house and on the cloud and it scales incredibly well to tens of thousands of samples and 100s… Read more »

Headed to San Diego, CA for ASHG 2018

         October 9, 2018

As we are beginning to welcome the crisp fall weather here in Montana, we cannot wait to make an escape to the warm, sunny weather of San Diego, CA for the American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting (ASHG 2018). We are looking forward to spending the week discussing with new and familiar faces within the genetics industry. If you… Read more »

Golden Helix Receives NIH-SBIR Phase 2 Grant 2R44 GM125432-02

         September 24, 2018

It is our distinct pleasure to inform the GHI community that we have been awarded a Phase II SBIR Grant from the National Institutes of Health. As we are also preparing to celebrate our 20th Anniversary, these two events invoke a lot of excitement within our company and what lies ahead, for not GHI only, but the genetics field entirely…. Read more »

Getting Started Guide for Sentieon

         September 21, 2018

Sentieon; your swift secondary analysis solution. Golden Helix’s software solutions present a reputable and top-quality analysis of your NGS data. Looking at this process from a 30,000 ft view, the annotation and filtering of variants in your vcf files and discovery of CNVs based coverage data in the bam file make up the tertiary level portion of the analysis. However,… Read more »