Search Results for: CNV

Customer Publications: A Salute to Breast Cancer Awareness Month

         October 29, 2019

With October being recognized as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the team at Golden Helix thought it would be appropriate to pay tribute to some of the publications that over the years, have contributed to the many discoveries made in breast cancer diagnosis, prediction, underlying causes, and case management. We are very proud to be a part of cancer research and… Read more »

VSWarehouse Upgrade: Somatic Variant Analysis via VSClinical AMP Workflow

         October 25, 2019
VSWarehouse Updates

This month’s webcast delves into VSWarehouse with a focus on our new capability of storing somatic variant projects and catalogs built for the AMP Guidelines within VSClinical. If you didn’t have a chance to join us for the live event, please enjoy the video recording below. Previous webcasts have gone into great detail on the features and processing of somatic… Read more »

VarSeq 2.2.0 Release Notes

         October 23, 2019

VarSeq 2.2.0 was released today and this a stable release full of upgrades and polishes. Some of the newer features include the ability to store and include AMP Cancer assessment catalogs on VSWarehouse, quicker accessibility to common annotations plotted in GenomeBrowse, and the addition of all of our standard templates for the GRCh38 genome assembly. Many of the polishes were… Read more »

Reflecting on ASHG 2019

         October 22, 2019

As our team returns from another successful ASHG conference, I would like to reflect on the great memories, connections, and future plans that were made at this meeting. First, I will start by thanking everyone involved with the superb planning and execution of the conference. We are thankful to have this opportunity to connect with our customers, partners, and friends… Read more »

Headed to Houston, TX for ASHG 2019

         October 14, 2019
ASHG 2019

Our team is getting ready to head to Houston, Texas for the American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting (ASHG) 2019. We are looking forward to spending the week discussing genetics with new and familiar faces! If you are planning on attending, please stop by our booth and say hello! You will find the Golden Helix team in booth 601…. Read more »

Copy Number Variants Using AMP Guidelines

         October 10, 2019

The common approaches to detecting copy number variants (CNVs) are chromosomal microarray and MLPA. However, both options increase analysis time, per sample costs, and are limited to the size of CNV events that can be detected. VarSeq’s CNV caller, on the other hand, allows users to detect CNVs from the coverage profile stored in the BAM file, which allows you… Read more »

Customer Publications Throughout September 2019

         September 29, 2019

From diagnosing, treating and preventing diseases in humans and animals, to preserving our global food supply, Golden Helix products are being used all over the world! In September, we were cited in many publications spanning a diverse range of species and topics. Below are brief recaps of a few of the studies where SNP & Variation Suite (SVS) and VarSeq… Read more »

Variant Interpretation with VSClinical: RET-KIF5b Gene Fusion

         September 24, 2019

Gene Fusion Background Gene fusions are hybrid genes that result from translocations, interstitial deletions, or chromosomal inversions that can lead to constitutive gene activation and result in increased or abnormal protein production. Increased or abnormal protein production subsequently can play an important role in tumorigenesis and thus identifying and evaluating this type of biomarker is important in the cancer workspace…. Read more »

Following the AMP Guidelines with VSClinical: Part II

         September 5, 2019

VSClinical  users can interpret and report genomic mutations in cancer following the AMP guidelines which we’re demonstrating in this “Following the AMP Guidelines with VSClinical” blog series. Part I introduced the hands-on analysis steps involved in creating a high-quality clinical report for targeted Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) assays. We reviewed sample and variant quality, including the depth of coverage over the target regions by the sequencing performed for each sample. Now, we are ready to… Read more »

Customer Publications Throughout Summer 2019

         August 26, 2019

We are always excited to see how our software is used to support research and enable precision medicine. We believe that our customer’s success is ultimately our success! This summer was filled with many wonderful publications from across the globe and we are proud to have been a part of them. Here are just a few from each month: June… Read more »

Following the AMP Guidelines with VSClinical: Part I

         August 23, 2019

In the world of genomics shaping precision medicine in oncology, the limiting factor is the time-to-sign-out of a fully interpreted molecular profile report. There are many components of the entire testing process that add to the turn-around time of each test. Many of these steps, such as sample prep, sequencing, and automated secondary analysis, are bounded and consistent in their time requirements. The hands-on… Read more »

Variant Interpretation with VSClinical: Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

         August 20, 2019

With the increasing knowledge of mutations involved in cancer, it is imperative to have a tertiary analysis pipeline that provides users with the most up to date information on somatic mutations. VSClinical’s Cancer Add-On does just that and more; with this feature, users can investigate and report on SNVs, indels, CNVs, gene fusions, and considerations for wild type genes in… Read more »

Clinical Variant Analysis for Cancer: Part V

         July 2, 2019

Clinical Variant Analysis for Cancer – Applying AMP Guidelines to Analyze Somatic Variants Detecting cancer at an early stage can make it much more treatable. Developing tests and making them clinically actionable is crucial to beat this disease. This eBook covers the state-of-the-art gene panel tests for cancer. Of course, there is more that can be done. The field is… Read more »

Clinical Variant Analysis for Cancer: Part III

         June 18, 2019

Clinical Variant Analysis for Cancer – Applying AMP Guidelines to Analyze Somatic Variants As described in my eBook “Genetic Testing for Cancer,” any bioinformatic pipeline for cancer ultimately calls variants based on the aligned reads that the sequencer generated. Variant calling is the process of reviewing a sequence alignment, typically in the form of a BAM file, to identify loci… Read more »

Clinical Variant Analysis for Cancer: Part II

         June 13, 2019

Clinical Variant Analysis for Cancer – Applying AMP Guidelines to Analyze Somatic Variants Analogous to the ACMG guidelines for germline mutations, the Association for Molecular Pathologists (AMP) has issued guidelines to assess and report on somatic variants. The key paper in this area was published by Li et. al (2017) with the title “Standards and Guidelines for the Interpretation and… Read more »

New eBook Release: Clinical Variant Analysis for Cancer

         June 6, 2019

Applying AMP Guidelines to Analyze Somatic Variants Today, I am thrilled to share with you the launch of a brand new eBook titled “Clinical Variant Analysis for Cancer – Applying AMP Guidelines to Analyze Somatic Variants”. We would happy to send you a complimentary copy which can be requested on our website here. The clinical utilization of Next-Gen Sequencing data… Read more »

Genetic Testing for Cancer – New Version Release

         June 5, 2019

Yesterday, I released a new version of my eBook, “Genetic Testing for Cancer – Third Edition”. We would be happy to send you one! To download a complimentary copy, please submit a request on our site here. In 1914, the German cytologist Theodor Boveri coined the phrase “Cancer is a disease of the genome.” At this time, his ideas were… Read more »

On Our Way to AMP Global 2019

         May 9, 2019

We are looking forward to a great conference at AMP Global 2019: Global Congress on Molecular Pathology being held in Hong Kong! If you are attending the conference, we hope you will stop by our booth and say hello to the team! We would love the opportunity to connect with everyone within our community in person. This conference is especially… Read more »

Automating Clinical Workflows: Part III

         April 19, 2019

In the previous two articles, we explored the different steps of a clinical workflow. The first post covered the automated analysis that creates a VarSeq project. While the second post covered the interpretation steps and generation of a clinical report. These posts illustrated the ease with which these complex tasks can be carried out. Today we’ll dig a little bit… Read more »