Recent Customer Publications

         May 24, 2016

Today we have another round of customer publications from our incredible clients to share with you! These latest pubs cover a variety of topics, from rat-tail syndrome in cattle to the first GWAS analysis of attempted suicide by individuals with schizophrenia. Here are a few of the highlights:

These are a few of the many new customer publications from this month, so feel free to check out the full list of publications here. If you don’t see your publication listed, please contact us at [email protected] and we will be happy to add it!

2 thoughts on “Recent Customer Publications

  1. Sergey Kornilov


    I would like to offer a word of caution regarding the use of the word “schizophrenics” in this blog (and research literature). Individuals/patients with schizophrenia seems to be more neutral and more accepted these days.

    These are just my 2 SNPs..



    1. goldenadmin

      Hi Sergey,

      Thank you for pointing this out, that makes a lot of sense and will be noted for this post and the future.



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